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Хорижий филология  №4, 2019 йил

            concept on the theory of literature, such           reading on the basis of learning theoretical
            lessons are based on  earlier analytical work       knowledge and formation of analytical skills.
            on a number of literary works "(209,174). The              Material and  methods  of the study
            initial thinking of the theoretical-literary        was based on modern research on the
            concept is thus only a starting and reference       problems of the specificity of literature as art,
            point   for   the   formation    of   literary      the content  and form of literary  work, the
            competence. The development of the concept          work of psychologists and methodologists,
            takes place  when school children  repeatedly       devoted to the study of the theory of literature
            study  various literary  material both in the       as one of the aspects of self-reading.
            class and in the process of self-reading,                  The following research methods were
            during which they not only learn the                used to achieve the objectives:
            definition of the literary terms, but also                 -study of philosophical, literary,
            realize its most characteristic, essential signs,   psychological and pedagogical literature on
            develop skills to transfer acquired knowledge       the subject of research;
            to the sphere of self-reading.                             -  analysis of the curricula of the
                   But despite the variety  of approaches       primary      school,     educational     and
            to the formation of literary concepts and           methodological manuals on literature;
            numerous studies of the issue, among                       -  modeling and estimation of the
            scientists-methodologists,          teachers-       suggested  literary technologies;
            practitioners the problem of formation,                    -  research and experimental training,
            efficiency of learning and application of           developing a methodological model for the
            knowledge on literature theory in practical         formation of literary  competence  at children
            reading activities has not  yet been finally        of   primary     school,      questionnaires,
            solved. Numerous researches of  scientists to       pedagogical observation and interviewing
            the problem of the formation of literary            students;
            competence as one of the main factors in the               Evaluation of the effectiveness of the
            formation of  reading  culture, research of the     proposed recommendations in relation to the
            modern state of literary education of children      ability of  children to transfer acquired
            convince us that primary  school education in       knowledge and skills to self-reading.
            literature does not give a real level of the               To successfully interpret and analyze
            reader. The main contradiction that arises in       literary texts, a solid foundation in literary
            the school practice of teaching the subject is      terms and their definitions should be given at
            that the knowledge gained from the lesson on        first .
            the theory of literature, the ability to apply             The suggested new literary means get
            them in the analysis of works of fiction, a         familiar with most commonly used literary
            large part of schoolchildren are unable to          devices in children fairy tales and poetry in
            transfer to the sphere of independent choice        classes of primary school. A clear definition
            and reading of books, therefore, the obtained       of each of the terms is given in this research
            sum of knowledge and skills does not become         with examples of literary  elements and the
            the basis of reading self-education. One of the     context in which they most often appear
            critical tasks of the methodology of teaching       (poems, syllables, fairy  tales, stories). These
            literature at the present stage is to resolve       literary means help to understanding and
            these contradictions.                               analyze works of Uzbek literature.
                   Changing the strategy of literary                   Literary  terms  are  techniques that
            education,   in   which    literary-theoretical     writers use for  special and pointed effect in
            knowledge, literary-practical skills become         their writing or to help readers understand
            the basis for studying literary works, aesthetic    their writing.
            development of spiritual values concluded in               Often, literary means are used in
            literature,  requires the search  for new           writing for emphasis or  clarity. Authors will
            methodological models  of formation of self-        also use literary means to get readers to study

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