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Хорижий филология  №4, 2019 йил

            peculiarities of riddles,  proverbs, fairy tales,   The list of literary concepts we have studied
            fables, stories, poems, compare them by             together with children contributes to deeper
            similarity and difference.  Literary concepts       learning of terms, their conscious memory.
            are introduced,  fixed and repeated during          Using the dictionary, children learn to
            work with the literary  work. The words as          navigate unfamiliar texts on their own, to
            epithet, impersonation,  plot should enter the      work with passion on figurative concepts. The
            active dictionary of the primary school             dictionary  also helps in the preparation of
            children. The introduction of any new literary      homework.
            term is preceded by observation - reference to             A suggested list of literary concepts
            the texts of the work.                              will help any  primary teacher prepare for
                   In preparation for the lesson of literary    literary  reading lessons.  It includes all
            reading, the teacher has to use dictionaries        concepts that a primary school student should
            more than once, to look for an interpretation       be acquainted with.
            of concepts in language available for children.

                   1.  About literature in the primary school. A guide-book for teacher / T.G.Braje. - Spb.: The
            publishing house “Russian word world”,  2008
                   2.  Bolalar adabiyoti/ M.Jumaboyev. –Toshkent: “O’qituvchi”, 2004.
                   3.  Dictionary of foreign words. - 18 ed., str. - M.: Rus. language, 1989.
                   4.  Efrosinin L.A. Literary reading in grade 1. Methodology for teacher. - Moscow: Ventan
                   5.  Literary reading: Study for primary school. Head. Pc: at 2 /Authors: L.A.Efrosinin, M.I.
            Omorokova. - M.: Ventana-Graff, 2011.
                   6.  Methodology of teaching literature: Study book for students of higher education in
            ped.specialties/O. Yu Bogdanova, S. A. Leonov, V. F. Chertov; Under ed. O. Yu Bogdanva. - 2.
            Ed., str. - M.: Academa, 2002 (State University of Sarat. polygr. comb.). 397p.)
                   7.  Moody, H. L. B. The Teaching of Literature, Longman, 1971.
                   8.  Rezaei, S., Derakhshan, A., & Bagherkazemi, M. (2011). Critical thinking in language
            education. Journal of Language Teaching Research, 2(4), 769-777.
                   9.  Teaching Literature/Ronald Carter and Michael N. Long.- Harlow, Essex Longman, 1991
                   10.  Zhurov  L.E. Talks with a teacher:  grade 2 of a four-year elementary school.  -  M.:
            Ventana-Graff, 2009.
                   11.  Widowson H.G. Stylistics and Teaching of Literature, Longman, 1975

                   Altundag' M. Maktab o‘quvchilarida adabiy raqobatni shakllantirish, mustaqil o‘qishni
            baholash (O‘zbek adabiyoti asosida).  Tadqiqotning maqsadi  -  o'z ustida ishlash va o'qishni
            shakllantirish omillaridan biri sifatida maktab o'quvchilarining adabiy barkamolligini oshirishdan
            iboratdir. Boshlang'ich sinflardagi bolalarning adabiy barkamolligini oshirish mustaqil o'qishning
            samarali shakllanishi va muhim xususiyatlarga asoslangan adabiy tushunchalarni muayyan ketma-
            ketlikda shakllantirish uchun asos bo'lishiga xizmat qiladi. Adabiyot darslarining uslubiy modelini
            yaratish, o‘quvchilarning bilimlarini oshirishni  qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, ilmiy jihatdan aniq va yoshiga
            mos adabiy bilimlarni tizimli o'rganishni ta'minlaydi. O‘quvchilarning amaliy faoliyatida adabiy
            bilimlarni oshirishga qaratilgan o'qish texnologiyalarini ishlab chiqish lozimligi zamon talabidir.
            O‘quvchilarning sinfda va sinfdan tashqari faoliyatida adabiy barkamollikni shakllantirishda
            uzviylikni ta'minlaydigan tizimli yondashuvni yaratishni taqozo etadi. Shaxsiy faoliyatga
            yondashish nazariy va adabiy bilimlarni  o'rganish jarayonida  talabalarning faolligini
                   Altundag M. Literary competence formation at school children as startup of self-reading
            (on the basis of Uzbek literature). The aim of the study is literary competence of school children as
            one of the factors of formation of self reading. The literary competence at children in the primary
            school in can become the basis for effective formation of self-reading  and in the formation of

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