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Хорижий филология  №4, 2019 йил

            “O‘rik gullaganda” (Blossoming apricot) – by               Now I 'm adult man,
            H. Olimjon, “Yurtimiz tabiati” (Nature of our              I 'm going to school.)
            land), “Tillaqo‘ng‘iz” (Golden bug)  -  by I.              In  addition to contemporary Uzbek
            Muslim, “Tabiat alifbosi” (Natural alphabet),       children’s   literature,  children’s  literary
            “Qanotli do‘stlar” (Friends with wings)  - by       criticism and literary competence developed
            Q.     Muhammadiy,      “Bahor”     (Spring),       and formed. We can study a series of
            “Tog‘  manzarasi” (Mountain panorama),              textbooks, tutorials, collections, monographs,
            “Suv” (Water)  - by Q.  Hikmat, “Toshbaqa”          and books in research of children's literature.
            (Turtle)  –  by Y. Shomansur, “Bir cho‘ntak         Thus, modern Uzbek  children’s literature
            yong‘oq” (Full pocket of nuts) - by M. A‘zam,       continues to develop formation of literary
            “Kamalak afsonasi” (Legend about rainbow)           competence. The literature is becoming
            –  by O. Matjon and others. Among them is           increasingly  rich with new writers, new
            one of interesting short story of Shukur            themes, and trends.  In  short, this literature
            Sadullah “Kichkina qushcha” (Little  Bird).         contributes to the formation of reading skills
            There we can see love and care of children for      and competence.
            birds is deeply rooted from the generations to             School should train not writers, but
            generations.                                        readers ... ,  -  readers thinking on the read
                   Studying the modern Uzbek children’s         material and able to share by live word with
            poetry, it is worth to emphasize the works          results of both their reading and thinking.
            reflecting school life especially for children of   There is read knowledge, there is meaningful
            primary  school. Learning and  education are        literacy, and there will be also their thoughts.
            fundament of literary competence. The               There is an ability to  express them by own
            school-themed poems reflect diligence, happy        words, there  will be ability, if necessary, to
            memories and the positive qualities of              express them in writing.
            literature who seek to  enjoy the process of               The beginner reader should learn to
            reading.                                            read well, work with the text of any literary
                   Poet Mumin "Xoh o‘qishda, xoh                work, understand the content of the literary
            ishda”, (Whether in Reading or at Work),"           work and the author 's point of view, think on
            “Sinfimiz qo‘shig‘i” (Our School Song),             the read literary work and express own
            “Ustozlar”(Teachers); In the works of Ergash        opinion, write creative  essays after reading
            Raimov" Endi katta bolaman “  (I  am a big          certain literary works.
            boy) the breath of the day is felt.                        A primary school  graduate should
                   As a rule, children live on the wing of      know the main  genres of works, their signs,
            dreams.  In the poem “Endi katta bo‘laman”          be able to work  with the texts of works of
            (Now I have become a great child), the child’s      each genre, as well as use them in his oral and
            dream is great  -  to grow up and become a          written speech.
            schoolboy:                                                 School children should be able to:
                   Bultur edim oltida,                                 read literary works and books
                   Yoshim yetmay qoldi-da.                      according to the studiedsections, themes,
                   Maktabga yozishmadi,                         genres, writers by themselves ;
                   O‘qishga olishmadi.                                 learn the theme and genre of the read
                   Yillar yurmas ketiga,                        work;
                   Bu yil to‘ldim yettiga.                             focus on literary ideas and concepts:
                   Endi katta bo‘laman,                                literature, folklore,  genre, fairy tale,
                   Men maktabga boraman.                        story, proverb, riddle,  poem, fable;
                   (I was six years old,                               proverb,  dialogue, entry word, ending
                   I 'm quite an adult                          word, morality;
                   But I did not write at school,                      poem, rhyme, line, verse;
                   I couldn 't read.                                   means of expressiveness.
                   Years went by,                                      Children of primary school get
                   I'm seven years old  this year.              acquainted with  the  structure and genre

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