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Хорижий филология.  №1, 2016 йил

            Competition,  English  Speaking  Competition         vividly  illustrates  the  differences  of  the
            and  English  Speech  Competition  in  Jiangsu       performance of the four classes.
            Province, has attracted some of the students
            after months of training. The following data
                              average score     Average         Average       Number of        Number of
                              of final-term  score of CET-    score of oral    attending        attending
                              exam (100‘)       4 (710‘)          test          writing         speaking
                                                                 (100‘)      competitions     competitions

               Class 1401        85.14           424.19          82.66            28                4
             Class Level A       88.01           434.82          94.18            20                6
              Class Level B      79.24           413.49          89.55            12                3
              Class Level C      77.91           392.85          72.47             0                2

                   4.4 Analysis                                  with  similar  scores  in  the  Entrance
                    From the above data, it can be easily        Examination  and  entrance  exam  in  Class
            inferred  that  although  test-oriented  teaching    1401  (the  last  13  ones  in  academic
            is highly efficient in helping students passing      achievement  order)  did  not  perform  as  well
            exams, our experiential teaching proves to be        as they do. According to our statistics, their
            effective  as  long  as  plenty  of  input  and      average scores are 76.82 and 389.48.
            output  exercises  have  been  designed.               However,
            However,  students  from  Class  Level  A  are              5. Conclusion
            more  willing  to  attend  competitions  than               Input  and  output  are  inseparable  in
            those from Class 1401, which can be largely          the  process  of  English  learning.  Only  the
            contributed  to  the  constant  exercises  in  and   application  of  both  Input  Hypothesis  and
            after the class.                                     Output  Hypothesis  could  help  promote  the
                    It  could  be  also  inferred  that  the     college  English    teaching  in    Chinese
            hierarchal teaching can best suit the need of        vocational schools.
            vocational school students. If we compare the               In our future research, we will focus
            scores  of  Class  Level  C  in  the  Entrance       on  the  replenishment  and  perfection  of  our
            Examination  and  entrance  exam  at  the            experimental teaching, in the hopes that our
            beginning of the term and the scores in final-       methodology  could  be  helpful  to  college
            term exam and CET-4 at the end of the term,          English teaching to other vocational schools
            we  can  see  that  students  in  this  class  have   in China.
            made  great  progress.  Meanwhile,  students

                   [1] Krashen, S.D. The Input Hypothesis. New York: Longman. Inc., 1985.
                   [2] Swain M. Three functions of output in second language learning [A].Oxford University
            Press, 1995.
                   [5]  翁燕珩,第二语言习得―输入假说‖评析[J].z 中央民族大学学报,2006(4):142-

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