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P. 37
Хорижий филология. №1, 2016 йил
Xu Heng,
The Case Study on Nantong Institute of Technology
Wang Fei-yan
Nantong Institute of Technology, Nantong, China
Key words: Input Hypothesis; Output Hypothesis; second language acquisition;
experimental teaching.
Ever since the rapid development of process languages syntactically. Both
globalization, English has become the comprehensible input and output are needed
international working language, and its for second language acquisition. In
growing importance requests higher producing the target language vocally or
standards of English teaching. Since 1960s, subvocally learners may notice a gap
first language acquisition theories have been between what they want to say and what they
applied to second language acquisition and can say, leading them to recognize what they
foreign language teaching. The booming of do not know or know partially. Producing
the study on second language acquisition has output can also test learners‘
made it the most active subject in applied comprehensibility of the target language,
linguistics. Input Hypothesis raised by which is the purpose of language teaching.
Krashen and Output Hypothesis raised by 2. Problems of Current College
Swain are the most important theories to find English Teaching in Chinese Vocational
out the relationship between input, output schools
and second language acquisition, which is a Vocational schools in China are
key problem in the study. established to cultivate students with expert
1. Theoretical Statement of Input working skills, and English is generally
Hypothesis and Output Hypothesis regarded as a tool of international
Krashen (1977, 1985) puts forward a communication. Students are supposed to be
set of hypothesis about second language educated to be able to read English materials
acquisition and believes that humans acquire of their field and communicate with future
language only by understanding messages or foreign counterparts. However, students are
receiving comprehensible input. According also required to pass standard tests, such as
to him, to move from stage ―i‖ to ― i+1‖, CET-4 and CET-6 (College English Test).
acquirers must understand input that contains Therefore, some problems still exist in
structures a bit beyond their current level of current College English teaching in Chinese
competence. However, for college English vocational schools because of those
teaching in Chinese vocational schools, it is contradictions.
very difficult for teachers to define ―i‖, First and foremost, as Chinese being
which can be largely contributed to the the official and native language for most
ambiguousness of the concept. If the input is people, it is rare for Chinese students to have
too simple for students, it would be the opportunities to use English as a
insufficient for students to learn; if it is too communicative language. Besides classroom
difficult to be understood, it would be activities, students have little access to the
frustrating for students. language in a daily occasion, not to mention
Later, Swain (1985) put forward the comprehensible input. However, we can not
Output Hypothesis and was convinced that call it conscious input if comprehensible
output, in some circumstances, stimulated input just comes from classroom input and
language acquisition by forcing learners to communication with other learners.