Page 39 - 1-2016
P. 39

Хорижий филология.  №1, 2016 йил

            Administration  Department  as  our  subjects.              4.2 Research Design
            The selection of the subjects is determined on              We divide Class 1402 and 1404 into
            the  results  of  Entrance  Examination  in          three classes (Level A, B, and C). To better
            English and our entrance test and the average        explain the four classes, the following table
            scores of the three classes are quite similar.       is made.
            Class 1401 is used as the control group while
            Class 1402 and 1404 experimental group.

                                       Students‘ number         Average score of        Average score of
                                                             Entrance Examination      entrance test (100‘)
                  Class 1401                   39                    61.57                    72.19
                 Class Level A                 26                    65.10                    79.85
                 Class Level B                 33                    55.58                    62.41
                 Class Level C                 29                    44.43                    51.09

                   In  Class  1401,  passing  CET-4  and         to  use  English  in  commercial  working
            CET-6  is  the  priority  of  teaching  and          occasions,  so  we  divide  the  course  into  10
            studying,  so  all  the  80  periods  of  class  are   parts as the following table shows.
            spent  in  exercising  and  tests.  However,  in
            Class Level A, we rescheduled the teaching
            plan and aimed to cultivate students‘ ability
                        Contents                                             periods
                      1.  Company Establishment                              6
                      2.  Business Exhibition                                6
                      3.  Contacting and Reserving                           6
                      4.  Receiving Guests                                   6
                      5.  Agenda                                             6
                      6.  Business Negotiation                               12
                      7.  Signing Contract                                   6
                      8.  Sightseeing and Farewell                           6
                      9.  Claim and Arbitration                              6
                      10. Performance                                        20

                   Each  part  contains  an  assignment,         parts  and  20  periods  on  tests.  In  contrast,
            including    group     discussion,   speech,         students  in  Class  Level  C  should  spend  60
            situational  dialogue,  contract  writing,  claim    periods on tests and only 20 periods on Part
            writing etc. In the final  part ―Performance‖,       1-4.
            all  the  students  are  supposed  to  work  as  a          4.3 Testing and Scoring
            team and make a situational play and perform                After  one  term‘s  teaching  and
            it.  As  for  tests,  students  are  encouraged  to   studying  (March,  2015-  June,  2015),  all  the
            prepare it in their spare time. Apart from that,     students  from  4  classes  attended  the  final-
            students are arranged to visit a foreign trade       term  exam  and  CET-4  examination,  both
            department  of  a  local  company  for  a  week      containing listening, reading and writing tests.
            and  are  required  to  write  a  report  after  the   Besides,  all  of  them  participated  in  the  oral
            visit.                                               test  after  the  final-term  exam.  National
                   In  Class  Level  B,  students  are           English  Competition  for  College  Students,
            supposed  to  spend  60  periods  on  all  these     together  with  National  English  Writing

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