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Хорижий филология.  №1, 2016 йил

              Second,  due  to  the  long  history  of           Therefore,  the  following  suggestions  are
            examination-oriented  teaching  methodology          made to do the work.
            in China, most students are highly driven by                First,  hierarchal  teaching  is  quite
            passing tests instead of mastering and using         necessary although we are totally aware of its
            the knowledge with a vague understanding of          deficiency. We could divide the students into
            the  importance  of  English  in  their  future      three  levels,  and  each  level  has  its
            career.     Meanwhile,      failures    from         corresponding  teaching  schedules,  steps
            examinations  can easily lead to  anxiety  and       textbooks  and  specially-designed  activities.
            frustration.                                         The division could be based on the results of
                   Third,     results    of     Entrance         Entrance Examination and our entrance exam.
            Examination (a nationwide and standard test          After  all,  we  should  teach  students  in
            in  China)  always  show  wild  inconsistencies      accordance of their aptitude.
            among  students  enrolled  in  vocational                   Second,  we  should  provide  more
            schools,  which  is  rare  in  other  colleges  and   opportunities  for  students  to  use  English,
            universities in China. Take students enrolled        both in classroom and after class. According
            in  Nantong  Institute of  Technology in  2014       to our previous research, free-style speech is
            for  example,  of  all  the  1194  students,  the    highly effective. Students could choose their
            highest  score  in  English  is  84  while  the      interested  topics,  collect  information,  work
            lowest is only 35. Therefore, college English        on  their  paper  and  finally  make  the
            teaching becomes especially difficult  due to        performance.  When  making  their  speech,
            the great differences.                               they  should  also  answer  all  the  questions
                   Last  but  not  least,  most  Chinese         related to the content raised by students and
            students are more willing to listen, read and        teachers.  The  whole  process  perfectly
            write than to speak. Therefore, after years of       illustrates  input-taking  in-output.  Besides,
            preparation,  in  the  school  year  2013-2014,      group discussion and role-play, together with
            we  chose  one  class  to  do  the  experimental     annual  national  writing  competition  and
            teaching.  We  tried  so  many  methods  to          speaking  competition,  are also  proved to  be
            encourage students to talk that we even threw        able to bring the same effect.
            the  textbooks  and  tests  away.  Our  attempt            Third, after class, ―Second Classroom‖
            was proved to be quite successful in students‘       activities  could  be  taken  into  consideration.
            willingness  to  talk.  However,  we  neglected      ―Second  Classroom‖  activities  should  be
            that  input  was  as  important  as  output.         related to students‘ majors and hobbies. For
            Without  enough  input  students  can  only          example,  Automobile  Marketing  majors
            repeatedly  use  structures  and  words  they        could go to sell cars to foreigners in 4S shops;
            already  know  instead  of  using  new  phrases      Tourism  majors  could  work  as  guides  for
            and  expressions.  Besides,  without  sufficient     foreigners in travel agencies, and etc. These
            exercises, students made handful of mistakes         activities are more acceptable for students for
            in reading and writing.                              their   practicability,   participation   and
                   3.  Application  of  Input  Hypothesis        enjoyment.  Of  course,  the  organization  of
            and Output Hypothesis in College English             these  activities  should  be  under  careful
                    Based on the analysis of advantages          schedule and preparation.
            and  disadvantages  of  Input  Hypothesis  and              4. Experimental Teaching
            Output  Hypothesis  and  current  problems  in              To  test  if  the  above  statements  are
            college  English  teaching,  we  find  out  that     effective,   we    make     the   following
            listening  and  reading  is  as  important  as       experimental teaching.
            speaking  and  writing.  Only  a  balance                   4.1 Subjects
            between input and output can be proved to be                 We choose the freshmen from Class
            efficient  in  teaching.  Input  and  output  from   1401  (39  students),  1402  (40  students)  and
            classroom  teaching  is  far  from  enough.          Class  1404  (38  students)  of  Business
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