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Хорижий филология. №1, 2018 йил

                                                    FRAME ANALYSIS.

                                                  Ergasheva Guli Ismoil qizi,
                               Doctoral student of Uzbekistan state university of world languages

                   Key  words:  gender  discourse,  language  and  gender,  applied  linguistics,  socio-cognitive
            terminology, cognitive categories, frame analysis, the term discrimination.

                   The  conception  I  deal  with  expresses    subjects, are cut from the natural functionality
            how language functions for me as  a linguist,       of  language;  the  study  how  social  gender
            explores  the  power  of  words,  words  which      discourse  terminology,  in  international  and
            can do more than just stand for things, words       national contexts and language in  general, is
            affecting our understanding the world, words        determined by the conscious and unconscious
            which can make us ―move‖ forward, reveal a          way  we  categorize  and  conceptualize  the
            language  power  in  enhancing  the  social-        world.
            cultural  life  of  society.  Since,  we  attempt  to      Thus,  traditional  Terminology  has
            explore some of the consequences of bringing        been  integrated  into  a  totally  different  space
            the power of words to move to the discipline        in   the    1990s;    the   approach    from
            of Gender discourse .                               communicative     [1],  and  sociocognitive
                   Modern  researches  dealing  with  the       terminology [7] viewpoint.
            topic  ―language  and  gender‖  work  from  the             Scientific terminology as it occurs in
            premise that we should not take the language        gender  discourse  is  not  given  any  attention
            of gender for granted. Since the very topic in      from  a  perspective  of  ‗understanding‘,  since
            the  form  of  linguistic  forms  in  the  special   terminology is condemned to be studied as a
            language  has  intricate,  interesting,  and        meta-language  only,  almost  on  a  par  with
            sometimes  debatable  histories  to  study,  as     nomenclature.
            ―Debates  about  language  are  really  about              The present study is made on the main
            issues of race, gender, class, or culture‖ [6,5].   thesis  of  Lakoff    ―that  we  organize  our
                   In  recent  decades  the  interconnection    knowledge  by  means  of  structures  called
            between gender issues and applied linguistics       idealized cognitive models, or ICMs, and that
            has  become  one  of  the  most  researched         category  structures  and  prototype  effects  are
            subjects    among     scholars.   The    very       the  by-products  of  that  organization‖  [4].
            interconnection, in particular in the aspect of     Each  ICM  is  a  complex  structured  whole
            terminology  and  translation,  is  the  main       which  uses  four  kinds  of  structuring
            concern of the present study.                       principles:  propositional  structures  (as  in
                  The  following  work  challenges  the         Fillmore‘s    frames),    image    schematic
            principles  of  traditional  Terminology  testing   structures  (as  in  Langacker‘s  cognitive
            the  perspective  relevance  of  some  of  the      grammar,  1987),  metaphoric  and  metonymic
            insights  and  methodologies  of  cognitive         mappings  (as  described  by  Lakoff  and
            semantics for descriptive Terminology. Since        Johnson, 1980).
            a  very  pressing  issue  on  the  agenda  of  the         Aiming     at    making     categories
            Uzbek  linguistics  is  the  introduction  of  new   understood by frame analysis method we will
            approaches towards terminology studies.             consider how categories get defined in human
                   We  claim  that  modern  national            rights texts, hence to understand a category is
            researches  in  the  scope  of  terminology,        part of understanding the frames or idealized
            dealing  with  the  vocabulary  of  specialized     cognitive  models  of  the  category  inherent  to
                                                                different cultures.
                                                                               It is worth noting that that the ICMs of the
                  17  The scope of our research covers the      category  ―discrimination‖  have  been  studied
            interpretation of gender as the social cultural     within the scope of the article published in the
            construction of both sexes.

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