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Хорижий филология. №1, 2018 йил
disability, genotype, height, language, looks, To understand how discrimination is
mental type, race /ethnicity / nationality, conceptualized and categorized in
rank, religion, sex / gender, sexuality. international context, in particular in the
Types of Discrimination: direct context of the UK, the frame structure of
discrimination, indirect discrimination, discrimination has been studied in the
multiple discrimination harassment, category employment (CEDAW article 11), in
victimization. which discrimination was formally prohibited
Specific forms of the category are on grounds of:
implied in the social forms, in the forms of race (1965)
manifestations, countermeasures, etc.: gender (1975)
Social forms: AIDS stigma, Adultism, disability (1995)
Anti-albinism, Anti- autism, Anti- sexual orientation (2003)
homelessness, Anti-intellectualism, Anti-left religion (2003)
handedness, Genderism, Handicapism, age (2006)
Heteronormativity, Heterosexism, The adoption of the EQUALITY ACT
Homophobia, Intersex discrimination, 2010 in the UK demonstrates that frames have
Lesbophobia, Misogyny. been renewed and multiplied:
Manifestations: Class conflict, Age Discrimination
Democide, Employment, LGBT hate crime, Disability Discrimination
Gay bashing, Gendercide, Sex-selective Race Discrimination
abortion, Slavery, Wife selling, White flight, Discrimination by Religion/Beliefs
Supremacism. Marriage/Civil Partnership
Countermeasures: Anti-discrimination Discrimination
law, Affirmative action, Cultural assimilation, Sex Discrimination
Desegregation, Diversity training, Sexual Orientation Discrimination
Empowerment, Ethnopluralism, Human Gender Reassignment Discrimination
rights, Intersex rights, Masculism, Pregnancy/Maternity Discrimination
Multiculturalism, Racial integration, Self- The frame analysis due to
determination, Social integration, Toleration. ―understanding‖ of the term, from
CEDAW formally prohibits hermeneutic approach, will undoubtedly
discrimination on basis of the following contribute to any process of inter-linguistic
frames: mediation, such as translation. In this sense,
stereotyped roles for men and women cognitive linguistics approaches have the
(article 5a) virtue of regarding conceptual structure as a
responsibility of men and women in the fundamental part of language. As Cliff
upbringing the children (5b) Goddard and Anna Wierzbicka consider the
traffic in women and exploitation of cognitive linguistics is to be seen as ―a
prostitution (article 6) movement or a coalition‖ [2,124], rather than
political and public life of the country a single approach and the subject we deal
(article 7) with can rightly be seen as one of the research
represent the Governments at the programs within this broad movement or
international level (article 8) coalition.
nationality (article 9) The flexibility of frame organised
education (article 10) lexical items is to a large extent the result of a
employment (article 11) mechanism of polysemisation. The category
health care (article 12) discrimination has exploited its polysemic
economic and social life (article 13) potential several times in the course of its
rural women (article 14) history. This is an issue that will be dealt with
civil matters (article 15) in the following studies.
marriage and family relations (article