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Хорижий филология. №1, 2018 йил
East Journal of Translation. CIUTI (China) Modern cognitive theory claims that
[3]. The process of compiling a glossary of categorisation is based on similarity in terms
Gender terms urged us to deal with human of a holistic gestalt, which can imply
rights texts such as the Convention on the perceptual, interactional and functional
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination attributes. Yet, because frames provide the
against Women – CEDAW. The term possibility of understanding, the gestalt
discrimination has been analysed as a means structure of frames is directed towards more
to shed light on related concepts, since it is detailed extension of the knowledge about
considered to be the basic term around which particular concept.
gender issues at a national and international V.Krasnih considers frame-structures
level are being discussed and introduced. To of knowledge as components of the of native
justify our claim that using a metaphor theory speakers cognition – "a certain structured set
approach (Lakoff and Johnson) gives the of basic-necessary knowledge and minimized
translator and terminologist a substantial ideas of the given national lingua-cultural
evidence of the text producer‘s language and community" [9,54].
world, which will undoubtedly be a helpful Dealing with terminology from
tool in the process of translation of gender cognitive viewpoint P.Faber notes that
terms, the denotative descriptors of the term ―Frames also fall within cognitive linguistic
discrimination have been constructed on the approaches, and are a type of cognitive
basis of data provided by British National structuring device based on experience that
Corpora: DISCRIMINATION IS THE provide the background knowledge and
ENEMY; DISCRIMINATION IS A motivation for the existence of words in a
THREAT; DISCRIMINATION IS UNDER language as well as the way those words are
THE LAW; LAW IS UP, used in discourse < … > a description of
DISCRIMINATION IS DOWN; EQUALITY conceptual relations as well as a term‘s
IS UP, DISCRIMINATION IS DOWN; LAW combinatorial potential [5,123]‖.
IS AN ENTITY; DISCRIMINATION ACT It is worth noting that frames are not
IS AN ENTITY; LAW (DISCRIMINATION considered as arbitrarily allocated "pieces" of
ACT) IS CONSUMING; LAW IS A knowledge. According to Teun Van Dijk, in
POWER, LAW IS A SUBSTANCE, LAW IS contrast to a simple set of associations, these
A CONTAINER, LAW IS A PERSON (more units contain the basic, typical and potentially
in the mentioned article). possible information that is associated with a
The support for proposition that the particular concept. ... It is possible that frames
frame structure of knowledge is viable for are more or less conventional by nature and
understanding the category discrimination in therefore can define and describe what is
human rights texts will be studied in the typical for a given society [8,35].
following analysis. On the ground of the above mentioned
Framing is one of the most well- views a metaphorically constructed
known cognitive categories. According to hypothesis in terms of the window may be
M.Minsky, framing is a declarative way of formulated, i.e. ―frames are rigidly
representing knowledge, formulated in terms constructed elements of the gestalt window‖,
of descriptions. The essence of M.Minsky's since the unity of separate frames presents an
conception, as one of the first scientists who image (knowledge) of the window‖.
developed the theory of frames, is the The analysis below demonstrates a
following: facing a new situation, a person schematic representation, i.e. a combinatorial
extracts from his memory a certain model potential (Faber, 2009) of the term
(frame) that, if necessary, changes it discrimination; how the language gestalt
according to reality. Thus, frame is provides a didactic frame model for
understood as the structure of knowledge discrimination.
about a typified object or stereotyped General forms of the category
situation [10,155]. discrimination: age, caste, class, color,