Page 125 - 2-сон 2019 йил
P. 125

Хорижий филология  №2, 2019 йил

            he  expressed  his  need  for  help  to  use  IC          Some teachers gave their opinions about
            devices in his teaching. He complained about        lack of technical supports as:
            lack of technical support of the school.                  We  have  not  special  technicians  who
                  If I use IC technologies I have a lot of      can solve any problems  in  using  ICT during
            problems in utilizing them. If there is not the     the lessons. We have to know how to connect
            technician I cannot connect the laptop to the       and  even  to  fix  them  by  ourselves,  said
            overhead  projector.  If  the  technicians  don‘t   Raupov Bahodir the teacher of 4  secondary
            have  time  I  ask  for  help  other  teachers  who   school.
            can use IC devices well.                                  4.  Lack of time.
                  From  the  same  secondary  school                  The next main barrier is lack of time in
            teacher  Hurshedova  Nigina  showed  her            using ICT in EF classroom. According to the
            dissatisfaction that:                               curriculum,  there  are  only  3  periods  of
                  When we use ICT throughout the lesson         English lesson in a week with 45 minutes. It
            of  course  we  may  face  problems  with           is not enough to conduct lessons with ICT, if
            transportation  or  electricity.  In  order  not  to   you are lucky and there are not any challenges
            waste  our  time  the  teacher  should  print  out   while  using  devises  you  can  run  the  lesson
            materials  on  papers  which  are  going  to  give   successfully,  otherwise  you  may  waste  your
            pupils.  In  this  case  the  authority  of  school   time  with  technical  problems,  explained
            should  support  with  financial  side.  I  mean    Sattorova Dilafruz from the 11  school.
            prepared materials should be free and printed             In order to solve problems in using ICT
            out  by school‘s printers. Because in  a  group     which  are  occurred  throughout  the  lessons,
            there are 15 or even 18 pupils, teachers cannot     teachers   informed    about    some    other
            afford  to  print  out  for  every  pupil  in  every   alternative methods if there are any technical
            lesson.                                             problems  in  lessons.  Firstly,  teachers  should
                  2.  Lack of internet access.                  modify  lessons  and  print  out  some  extra
                  21   century  is  the  age  of  the  internet   materials and handouts beforehand in order to
            however most schools of rural area have not         use  them  when  there  are  barriers  with  IC
            got internet access. It is one of main issue that   devices.  Moreover,  any  challenges  and
            if the teacher needs to use the internet he may     problems  are  occurred  in  utilizing  ICT,
            use only in his house or may enter through his      teachers can ask help from technicians of the
            gadgets.                                            school or any other teachers who have enough
                  The internet connection is also problem       experience   in   using    IC   technologies.
            in  our  school  stated  Rahimova  Gulchehra.       However,  «teaching  language  learners  by
            There  are  about  20  computers  in  ICT  room     using  ICT  has  distinct  advantages  that  are
            but none of them is connected to the net.           related  not  only  to  language  education  but
                  3.  Lack of technical supports.               prepares  students  for  today‘s  information
                                                                society» [4, 7].


                    1. Salehi H. & Salehi Z. Integration of ICT in language teaching: Challenges and barriers //
            Proceeding  of  3   International  Conference  on  e-Education,  e-Business,  e-Management  and  e-
            Learning, 2012. – P.215-219.
                    2. Unwin  A. The professionalism  of the higher  education teacher: What‘s  ICT  got  to  do
            with it? // Teaching in Higher Education, 2007. –P. 295-308.
                    3. Lee C.K. Affordances and text-making practices in online instant messaging // Written
            Communication, 2007. –P. 223-249.
                    4. Nordin  N.,  Embi  M.  &  Yunus  M.  Mobile  lerning  framework  for  lifelong  learning  //
            Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010. –P. 130-138.

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