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Хорижий филология.№3, 2017 йил

            подражания,  будь       то   L1,    L2  или         который      может     оказаться     важной
            иностранные  языки.  Однако  никто  не              фундаментальной базой для совершенного
            отрицает,  что  подражание  в  достаточных          владения  изученными  и  приобретенными
            дозах,     подкрепленное      оригинальным          языками.
            способом  повторения,  организует  навык,

                  1.  Bakhtin,M.M. 1981. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Austin: University of Texas
                  2.  Bloom, M. 1974. Imitations in Language Development: If, When, and Why. Cognitive
                  3.  Bloomfield, L. 1933. Language. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
                  4.  Clark, H. and  Clark, E.  1977.  Language  and  Psychology:  an  Introduction  to
            Psycholinguistics. NewYork.
                  5.  Chomsky, N. 1959. Review of Verbal Behavior by B. F. Skinner. Language 35.
                  6.  Chomsky, N. 1976. Reflections on Language. New York: Pantheon.
                  7.  Chomsky, N. 1986. Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origins, and Use. New York:
                  8.  Cook, V. 1993. Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition. New York: St. Martin‗s
                  9.  Ellis, R. 1985. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University
            Press.Horwitz,  E.  2013.  Becoming  a  Language  Teacher:  A  Practical  Guide  to  Second
            LanguageLearning and Teaching, 2  Edition, Pearson Education.
                  10.  Krashen,  S.,  and  Butler,  Birnbaum,  R.  and  J.  Robertson.  1978.  "Two  studies  in
            languageacquisition and language learning." ITL: Review of Applied Linguistics
                  11.  Krashen, S. 2004. The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research, 2nd Edition
                  12.  Kymisis E.  and  Paulson,  C.  1990.  "The  History  of  Imitation  in  Learning  Theory:  the
            Language Acquisition Process.Larsen-Freeman, D. 1997. "Chaos/Complexity Science and Second
            Language Acquisition. Applied Linguistics
                  13.  Lightbown,  P. and  Spada.  N.  2006.  How  Languages  are  Learned  (3rd  Ed.).  Oxford:
            Oxford University Press.
                  14.  Mitchell, R. and Myles, F.  2004. Second Language Learning Theories (2nd ed). London:
                  15.  Pinker, S. 1994. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language. New York:
            Harper  Collins.
                  16.  Richards, C., Platt, P.  and Platt, H. 1992. Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied
            Linguistics. Essex: Group UK Limited.
                  17.  Rivers, W. 1968. Teaching Foreign Language Skills. Chicago. Chicago University Press.
                  18.  Skinner, F. 1953. Science and Human Behavior. New York: The Free Press.
                  19.  Stern, H.  1983. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. Oxford University Press.
                  20.  Swain, M., Kinnear, P. &  Steinman, L. 2011. Sociocultural Theory in Second Language
            Education: An Introduction through Narratives. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
                  21.  Trask, L. 1998. Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics. London: Routledge.
                  22.  Vygotsky, L. 1986. Thought and Language. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press. Oxford
            University Press.

                  Акбаров  А.  Til  o„qitish,  imitasiya  ta‟limi  va  chet  tilini  o„rganish.  Maqolada  chet  tilini
            o'rgatish  muammosi  bilan  bog'liq  xatti-harakatlardan  kelib  chiqqan  simulyatsiya  nazariyasining
            batafsil  tavsifi  bayon  etilgan.  Muallif  ta'lim  mazmunini  hisobga  olgan  holda  nazariyaning
            afzalliklari va kamchiliklarini tahlil qiladi.

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