Page 55 - 4-2016
P. 55

Хорижий филология.  №4, 2016 йил

            мимика,  кийим,  замон  ва  макон  каби  новербал  воситалардан  хитой  ва  рус  тилларида
            фойдаланишнинг ўзига хосликлари илмий аснода қиѐсий ўрганилади.
                   U Aydjun. Contrastive study of Chinese and Russian non-verbal means related to voice,
            clothes,  hairdo,  colour,  space  and  time  in  communication.  The  article  provides  scientifically
            justified  contrastive  study  of  non-verbal  means  such  as  voice,  body  language,  clothes,  hairdo,
            colour,  time  and  space  which  are  additionally  used  in  communication  in  the  Chinese  and  the

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