Page 53 - 4-сон 2018 йил
P. 53

Хорижий филология  №4, 2018 йил

            task  is  to  collect  essential  and  at  the  same   to decrease. In contrast to China‘s one-child
            time actual theme for learners. While working       policy, family  planning in  India  has  not
            with news materials we carry out the search of      been consistent.  In  the  1970s  and  80s  the
            materials  on  the  internet.  Thanks  to  the      government tried to control population growth
            advanced technology we can get the news just        by forcing people    to   have sterilizations.
            in a few seconds. There  is huge data can be        Today, however,       there     are signs that
            found but the selection of them are a bit time-     population      growth       is      slowing
            consuming.  The  news  should  be  easy  to         down.   Contraception  is  becoming  widely
            understand for learners with pre-intermediate       available in many areas and especially Indian
            knowledge.  In  the  process  of  compiling         women  in rural areas  are  being  more
            materials  we  came  across  with  amount  of       educated.
            topics and selected the following themes, and             The  learners  will  answer  the  questions
            worked  out  activities  for  them.  Purposely,     related  to  the  subject  matter.The  question
            they  can  not  only  take  in  the  news  but  also   should  be  presented  in  order  of  the
            fulfill the tasks consciously by acknowledging      information  given  in  the  passage.  The
            terms used in specific area. For instance, Unit     question  words  are  frequently  used  ones  in
            5  dedicated  toINDIA‟S  POPULATION                 publicistic  texts,  such  as  who,  what,  when,
            PROBLEM[https://www.english-                        where, how etc.
                          Activity 2. For example: 1. How many
            index.htmEnglish  Online].    Initially,  the       people  are  there  in  India  today?  2.  What  do
            information is given and terms related to the       specialists consider about India?
            theme  can  follow  below  the  data.  There  are         As  a  facilitator,  the  teacher  will
            step  by  step  activities  in  this  Unit.  At  the   endeavor  to  elicit  the  information  they
            beginning  they  will  listen  or  read  the        comprehended.  After, they work out the lexis
            information,  and  then  can  look  through  the    of the theme; discuss the notion and definition
            bold printed letters within the text.               given in the context.Within the group learners
                  Activity 1.                                   will  try  to  translate  the  phrase  ―surpass”
            Extract  from  UNIT  4:  Today  India  is  the      and then to enlarge their vocabulary by using
            home  to  over  1 billion people.  By  2050  it     some  other  meanings  of  the  expression  like
            will surpass China           as           the       overtake; be bigger than. The Activity with
            most populous country in the world. Experts         matching  definition  is  up  to  the  point  in
            think  that  India  will reach a  total  of  1.8    consolidating  the  expressions  used  in  the
            billion   before    population growth begins        context.
                  Activity 3.
                decrease                                    overtake; be bigger than

                limited                                     Full of people

                surpass                                     not very great in amount or number

                populous                                    to go down

                  Activity  4.  This  task  requires  learners  to  translate  the  publicistic  text  into  their  native
            language. While having translation activity they will have to know the sentence structure used in
            English and appropriate word choice, some methods of translation.
                  Activity 5. The chart describes the total population of some countries of the world with their
            future trend is presented in years from 1950 to 2040. Learners will analyze the chart and write short
            essay according to the data.

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