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Хорижий филология  №1, 2019 йил


                                     Khushmurodova Shakhnoza Shaymonkulovna,
                                      English teacher of Samarkand State University

                  Key  words:  borrowing  words,  loan  words,  adopting,  phraseological  units,  importance,
            concept, paraphrase, international.

                  In  the  creation  of  world  picture  a      of  national  conceptoshere,  and  revolves  as
            language  takes  an  important  role.  However,     national-cultural identity. [Sh. Safarov, 2013,
            the richness of vocabulary and phraseological       p.  270].  For  example,  fifty  years  ago  was
            units  also  play  an  important  role.  O.  A.     invented  a  new  tool  which  keeps  voice
            Kornilov  said  about  the  importance  of          relation  and  spreaded  immediately  with  its
            language that it has own national way in the        called name to other parts of the world. The
            creating  linguistic  view.  And  on  the  base  of   invention  of  ―telephone‖  is  called  with  its
            every  language  there  appears  terminology  in    given  name  in  another  language  also.  This
            special subjects [О.А. Kornilov, 1999, p.75].       foreign name is acquired to another languages
                 Another real consideration is that there is    according  to  the  necessity  for  that  subject.
            not any language without new words or terms         Actually,  inconsequence,  the  conceptual
            in the world. Because in the far development        world of the home language is increased [B.
            of  history  different  countries,  nations  made   Serebrennikov, 1988, p. 80]. Even those who
            interrelations  causing  new  phrases  and          resisted  of  borrowing  words  to  another
            expressions appearing in the language.              language  would  not  disagree  with  such
                 Some  scientists  and  linguists  agree  that   occasion. Because some words related to new
            loan words contribute to  the development  of       discoveries  directly  passes  through  as
            linguistics,  while  others  consider  that  these   primarily  given  name.  Another  way  of
            new  words  from  another  language  influence      borrowing  words  is  creating  new  paraphrase
            the pure language to be decreased.                  word in a given language. For example, while
                 We should acknowledge that loan words          borrowing  the  English  word  ―businessman‖,
            impact  on  the  picture  world  of  the  native    there  is  chosen  Uzbek  word  ―tadbirkor‖  and
            language.  New  words  related  to  science,        this  word    actively  took  part  in  Uzbek
            technology,  technics,  most  of  the  English      dictionary.  Definitely,  while  borrowing  new
            words,  come  into  the  language  of  another      words  conceptual  view  of  the  language
            speakers.  Even  the  Japanese  who  are  very      similarly enriches.
            attentive in this case pointed that 99% of the          But  there  is  a  bit  of  difference  between
            words in the sphere of technology are English       two  words.  ―borrowing‖  and  ―loaning‖.
            words.                                              Borrowing  is  adopting  a  new  word  both  the
                 It  is  clear  that  people‘s  degree  of      name in the source language with its meaning,
            knowledge, world picture of thoughts are not        while loaning is  acquiring  a new  word  from
            steady.  They  occasionally  changed  and           another language. Actually, it is clearly seen
            developed  as  a  result  of  new  words  and       that  the  first  way  of  adopting  words  help  to
            conceptions appear in the language.                 develop inner lexicons of the language.
                 On the other hand, his view of the world           For example, in recent years Uzbek sport
            or  ―conceptosphere‖  develops  gradually.          ―wrestling‖  plays  a  role  in  the  world  sport,
            According      to    prof.    Sh.     Safarov       and  adds  concept  to  the  world  conceptual
            conceptosphere  is  not  a  steady  occasion,  its   view.  Moreover,  with  the  word  Uzbek
            area always broadens as humans to realization       ―Kurash‖  created  other  relevant  terms  like
            of  reality  developed,  its  supply  of  concepts   ―halol‖, ―chala‖, ―g‘irrom‖, ―dakki‖, ―to‘xta‖.
            also increases, contents become complicated.        First type of acquiring words are widely used
            Contents of concept  is  increased in  the field    in  Uzbek  social  life  also.  For  example:  ―

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