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Хорижий филология  №1, 2019 йил

            similar  to  the  word  of  the  language.  This    speakers and English ones. The word sushi is
            process  is  related  to  long  cultural  history  of   first recorded in English in the 1890 but the
            English  speakers,  that  they  always  borrowed    earliest examples in print all feel the need to
            words  whenever  faced  new  people,  culture       explain what sushi is, and it is only in recent
            and  place.  From  the  history  of  English        decades  that  it  has  become  ubiquitous,  as
            language French considered the dominant part        sushi has spread along the high street and into
            of  among  the  source  languages  with  words      supermarket  chiller  cabinets  in  most  corners
            like:  ballet,  cachet,  champagne,  salon,         of  the  English-speaking  world  [Philipp
            saloon, roulette, chic. In the field of military    Durkin,  ―A  history  of  Loan-words  in
            ,war, law and government : bastion, brigade,        English‖, p. 123].
            battalion,  cavalry,  grenade,  bayonet,  jail,         If  we  look  back  to  the  1800s  Latin,
            judge,  government,  jury,  noble,  parliament,     French, Greek and German were much more
            prison,  state,  tax  and  others.  Words  related   dominant.  This  owes  a  great  deal  to  the
            Church:  religion,  saint,  sermon,  prayer,        specialist vocabularies of science, technology
            preach, priest, chapter, clergy. Words related      and  learning:  compare  for  example  oxygen,
            Cooking: beef, boil, broil, butcher, dine, fry,     borrowed from French (but  formed from  the
            mutton,    pork,   poultry,   salmon,   stew,       elements  of  Greek  origin),  or  paraffin,
            veal.Culture and luxury goods: art, bracelet,       borrowed from German (but formed from the
            dance, diamond, fashion, fur, jewel, painting,      elements  of  Latin  origin).  Looking  a  little
            pendant, satin, ruby, sculpture.                    further  back,  in  the  1500s,  1600s  and  1700s
                 Nowadays  borrowing  is  continuing  with      there  are  familiar  words  entering  English
            technological  advances,  according  to  which      from Spanish, like guitar or cargo, potato or
            country  is  more  prosperous.  For  example        tomato,  and  from  Italian,  like  macaroni,
            borrowing from Japanese has top off over the        opera  or  piazza.  There  is  a  slightly  earlier
            past years. Words like judo, sushi, or tsunami      seam  of  borrowings  from  Dutch  like  deck,
            are  familiar  for  everyone,  both  Uzbek          luck or pickle.
                  1.  Корнилов  О.  А.  Языковые  картины  мира  как    производные  национальных
            менталитетов. – Москва, 1999. – 349 c.
                  2.  Ш.Сафаров. Семантика. – Тошкент: Ўзбекистон миллий энциклопедияси, 2013. – 270
                  3.  Серебренников  Б.  А.  Роль  человеческого  фактора  в  языке.  Язык  и  мышление.  –
            Москва: Наука, 1988. – 242 c.
                  4.  Philipp Durkin. A History of Loan-words in English‖, Oup Oxford, 2014-History. – 491 p.
                  5.  A.M. Xodjayev. ―Chet tili o‘qitish metodikasi‖. – Toshkent. – 148 b.
                  6.  S. Kremmer. ―Words in English‖ public website, Rice University. – 32 p.
                  7.  ―Xalq So‘zi‖, 2015, 28-mart
                  8.  ―Ma‘rifat‖, 2015, 21-mart
                  9.  ―Ishonch‖, 2014, 1-noyabr

                 Хушмуродова  Ш.  Процессе  заимствованная  слова  английского  и узбекского  языков.
            Данная  статья  посвящается  изучению  новых  слов,  а  также  заимствованных  слов
            английского  и  узбекского  языков.  Автор  описывает  важность  новых  слов,  причина  их
            включения  в  состав  другого  языка  и  влияние  развития  общественно-политической,
            культурной и экономической сфер жизни на этот процесс.
                 Хушмуродова Ш. Инглиз ва ўзбек тилларида ўзлаштирилган сўзлар. Мазкур мақола
            инглиз ва ўзбек тилларда янги ўзлаштирилган сўзларнинг тадқиқига бағишланган. Муаллиф
            янги  сўзларнинг  бошқа  тилга  ўзлаштириш  жараѐнининг  муҳимлигини  ва  сабабларини
            тасвирлаб  бериб,  бу  жараѐнга  ижтимоий-сиѐсий,  маданий  ва  иқтисодий  хаѐтнинг
            таъсирини кўрсатиб берган.

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