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Хорижий филология  №1, 2019 йил

            Markaziy        saylov       komissiyasining            5. In  the  field  of  entertainment:  pizza,
            kengaytirilgan  onlayn  majlisi  bo‘lib  o‘tdi‖     popcorn, spray, club, karaoke and others.
            [―Xalq  So‘zi‖,  2015,  28-mart],  ―Esingizda           Besides,    some    abbreviations    also
            bo‘lsin  saytida  savollarni  oldindan    borrowed  from  English  language:  OBSE,
            yuborish  imkoniyati  mavjud  [―Ma‘rifat‖,          ASEAN, OPEK, TRASEKA.
            2012,  18-aprel],  ―Eng  yaxshi  veb-saytlar              English  language  is  also  has  passed
            aniqlandi‖  [―Ma‘rifat‘,  2015,  21-mart],          through many periods in which large numbers
            ―O‘zbekistonda    kreditlash   tizimi   jaxon       of  words  from  a  particular  language  were
            reytingida   yuqori    pog‘onaga    ko‘tarildi      borrowed. These periods coincide with times
            [―Ishonch‖, 2014, 1-noyabr].                        of  major  cultural  contact  between  English
                 It  should  be  noted  that  with  the         speakers and those speaking other language.
            development  of  science  and  technology,              The  actual  process  of  borrowing  is
            progress in international relationships among       complex  and  involves  many  usage  events.
            countries decreased some scientists‘ negative       Generally  some  speakers  of  the  borrowing
            attitude towards borrow words and phrases.          language know the source language too, or at
                 Academic  A.J.  Xodjayev  said  ―There  is     least enough of it to utilize the relevant words.
            not any reason to find Uzbek option for some        They  adopt  them  when  speaking  the
            words  like  ―yadro‖,  ―lampochka‖,  ―elektr‖,      borrowing  language.  If  they  are  bilingual  in
            ―radio‖  just  because  they  are  related  to      the source language, which is often the case,
            another  language.  New  words  enriches  lexic     they might pronounce the words the same or
            existence  of  Uzbek  linguistics  [A.M.            similar to the way they are pronounced in the
            Xodjayev,  ―Chet  tili  o‘qitish  metodikasi‖,      source  language.  For  example,  English
            c.75].                                              speakers  adopted  the  words  garage  from
                 All  in  all,  with  the  advent  of  new      French, at first with a pronunciation nearer to
            discoveries,  progress  in  social-political,       the  French  than  is  now  usually  found.
            cultural,  spiritual  and  economic  life  and      Presumably the very first speakers who used
            advances  in  technology  caused  borrowing         the  words  in  English  knew  at  least  some
            new  words  from  English  language  like           French  and  heard  the  word  used  by  French
            briefing, broker, barter, lising, business, grant,   speakers [S. Kremmer, ―Words in English‖, p.
            deficit,  investment,  investor,  marketing,        3]
            service,  online,  computer,  printer,  internet,       New  word  is  used  by  speakers  with  the
            file,  site,  web-site,  Winchester,  rating,  flash   speakers  of  the  source  language,  who  are
            drive,  image,  lyceum,  college,  gymnasium,       familiar with the word, and gradually it might
            bachelor,     master,    test,   multimedia,        be used in  the borrowing language in  which
            modernization, diversification  and others. We      people  don‘t  know  the  word.  These  people
            can divide them according to the importance         consider  the  word  as  a  foreign  one.  We  can
            in such way.                                        bring  many  foreign  words  and  expressions
                 In  the  field  of  finance  and  economy:     used in English language such as: bon vivant
            audit,  barter,  broker,  listing,  tender  and     (French),  mutatis  mutandis  (Latin),  and
            others                                              Schadenfreude  (German).  When  the  words
                 1. In the field of commodity: marketing,       which  are  borrowed  used  often,  people  used
            shopping,  boutique,  management,  market,          to express them more even not knowing about
            supermarket and others.                             the source language. The novel word becomes
                 2. In  the  field  of  Media:  show,  triller,   conventionalized.  Actually,  this  process  may
            clip.  Names  of  TV  programs:  TV  star,  TV      be  called  borrowing  or  loan  words.  But  we
            show, Star Line,                                    should  take  into  consideration  that  not  all
                 3. In  the  field  of  sport:  bodybuilding,   foreign    words     in   the    intercultural
            shaping,  volleyball,  basketball,  football,       communication  become  loan  words,  some
            tennis, taekwondo and others.                       words may fall out of the usage, and cannot
                 4. In  the  field  of  education:  bachelor,   be  transmitted.  If  the  words  are  constantly
            master, hacker, provider, grant and others.         used in a given language, the more it becomes

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