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Хорижий филология                                                                        №2, 2018 йил

            This helped to conclude that the metaphor is        conceptual  metaphors  are  realized  [3,  57].
            primarily the reception of thinking about the       Therefore, by analyzing discourse, metaphors
            world, translated into a verbal form. Linguists     can be arrived at by which we conceptualize
            A.  Khili,  R.  Harris,  A.  Ottoni,  R.  Reynolds   aspects  of  discussed  reality.  Lakoff  and
            and  others  who  lived  in  the  70's  -  80's     Johnson  distinguish  three  main  types  of
            involved  in  this  issue.  G.  Lakoff  and  M.     metaphors:  structural,  orientational  and
            Johnson formulated the conceptual theory of         ontological.  We  can  recognize  structural
            metaphor  most  noticeably.  They  described  a     metaphors as metaphors in which one concept
            conceptual  metaphor  as  the  connection  of       is  systematically  structured  in  terms  of
            knowledge about one abstract zone in another        another,  for  example,  in  the  classic  example
            abstract  zone  in  their  work  "Metaphors  We     of the conceptual metaphor ARGUMENT IS
            Live” [4, 64].                                      WAR,  where  “ARGUMENT  is  partially
                  Previous  scientists  had  recognized  the    structured, understood, performed, and talked
            cognitive    measurement      of    metaphor        about  in  terms  of  WAR”  [4,  5].  This
            beforehand knowing that the cognitive theory        predictable  abstract  metaphor  is  realized  in
            of  metaphor  is  likely  to  be  described  as     expressions  such  as  he  always  wins  an
            completely new.                                     argument  or  she  attacked  my  argument.
                  The cognitive theory can be defined by        Orientational  metaphors  support  a  spatial
            three main features:                                orientation to a concept (up-down, front-back,
                  First of all, metaphor is not only viewed     etc.)  –  e.g.,  HAPPY  IS  UP  versus  SAD  IS
            as a matter of language, but also as a matter of    DOWN,  realized  in  she  is  in  high  spirits
            thought  as  well  in  the  cognitive  approach.    versus I feel low (this metaphor has a physical
            Cognitive theorists argue that the metaphor is      basis as we are in an erect posture when we
            a significant device with the help of which we      feel happy and in a drooping posture when we
            conceptualize  reality.  This  can  actually        feel sad). We are made to look at ontological
            influence the way we behave and act.                metaphors  as  aspects  of  our  experience  in
                  Secondly,  if  it  is  compared  with  the    terms  of  entities  and  substances.  A  typical
            substitution and the comparison theories that       example  is  constituted  by  personification,
            view  metaphor  as  extraordinary  and  artistic,   which  allows  us  to  comprehend  physical
            the  cognitive  theory  gives  emphasis  that       objects in terms of human characteristics and
            metaphor  is  a  matter  of  ordinary,  everyday    actions.
            language. Any people  can realize a range of              Conceptual  metaphors  arise  within  the
            predictable metaphorical ideas in the language      limits  of  the  standard  system  of  the  values
            because we use them every day to express our        based on traditional concepts and rules for the
            experience, including abstract concepts, such       given  society.  They  represent  significant
            as love and time.                                   interest  for  studying  of  culture  of  certain
                  Thirdly,  metaphor  is  defined  as  a        language community as they often hand over
            mapping  of  structure  from  one  conceptual       the most significant cultural information. The
            domain,  the  source  domain,  to  another          most  important  conceptual  metaphors  are
            conceptual  domain,  the  target  domain.  This     born with certain prevailing feeling; they have
            mapping is not based on likeness between the        the  through  character  formed  in  cumulative
            two concepts, as believed by the comparison         “the culture thesaurus” and designate space of
            theory  of  metaphor,  but  rather  on  the         information  interaction  of  members  of  the
            correlation  of  our  experience  in  these  two    given community. A metaphor, becoming the
            domains  and  our  ability  to  structure  one      general cultural symbol and fixing important
            concept in terms of the other [4, 117].             at  a  certain  stage  language  community,  the
                  According    to   cognitive   theorists,      phenomenon  does  not  disappear,  and
            language  serves  as  an  evidence  for  the        continues  to  exist,  change  and  grow  in  a
            existence of conceptual metaphors since it is       context.
            through  everyday  linguistic  expressions  that

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