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Хорижий филология                                                                        №2, 2018 йил

                                       COGNITIVE THEORY OF METAPHOR

                                                   Sapayeva Sokhiba,
                                                   Teacher of USWLU

                  Key  words:  metaphor,  cognitive  metaphor,  concepts,  conceptual  metaphor,  cultural
            experience, comparison and categorization.

                  The study of metaphor originated from         out  the news  can be replaced by:  He told to
            ancient  Greece,  basically  Aristotle,  who        anyone who wanted to listen [3, 15].
            looked  at  metaphor  as  implicit  comparison            Max  Black  initiated  the  next  approach
            which  is  centered  at  analogy  [1,3].  Aristotle   of  metaphor  in  the  second  half  of  the
            suggested that the main function of metaphor        twentieth  century  called  the  interaction
            is stylistic and ornamental [2,79]. Metaphor is     theory. Comparing the two theories above, it
            used for artistic reasons, mainly in poetry, to     does   not    need  metaphor  as  simply
            definite  a  thought  in  an  eloquent  style.      maintaining      symbolically     something.
            Aristotle  also  pointed  out  the  believable      Metaphor    contains    the   principal   and
            function  of  metaphor,  seeing  it  as  an  active   subsidiary  subjects,  conforming  to  the
            rhetorical  figure  to  be  employed  in  political   metaphorical  emphasis  and  the  adjoining
            discourse [2, 80].                                  literal frame in turn.
                  His  opinion  of  metaphor  develops  the           According to G.Lakoff, “the creator of a
            basis  of  the  so-called  comparison  theory  of   metaphorical  statement  selects,  emphasizes,
            metaphor. This  advance sees metaphor as “a         suppresses,  and  organizes  features  of  the
            type  of  comparison,  a  shortened  simile”        primary  subject  by  applying  to  it  statements
            established on likeness [2, 90]. Therefore, let     isomorphic  with  the  members  of  the
            us consider these metaphors: You are the light      secondary subject’s implicative complex” [4,
            in my life is observed as a reduced variety of:     29].  This  approach  suggests  that  the
            You bring happiness to my life.                     interaction theory does not assume it is only
                  The downside of the viewpoint is that it      the  lesser  issue,  which  has  influence  on  the
            disregards  the  significant  difference  between   main  subject.  For  example,  in  the  metaphor
            a comparison and a categorization: whereas a        ‘man is a wolf’, we have enough knowledge
            simile  stresses  probable  likenesses  between     and  connotations  about  a  man  and  wolves,
            two conceptions, a metaphor creates the two         e.g., knowing that they are wild and ruthless
            concepts  as  having  “in  common  something        [2,  95].  Vitally,  the  interaction  theory  does
            more  than  modest  similarities  in  that  they    not  mean  metaphor  only  as  a  matter  of
            belong  to  the  same  class  sharing  pertinent    language  but  also  shows  its  cognitive
            features”   [4,   135].   Furthermore,    the       measurement.  The  three  theories  does  not
            comparison  theory  realizes  metaphor  as          have much currency in  modern investigation
            comparing  two  concepts,  which  have  been        on metaphor, which mainly uses the cognitive
            seen as similar by the author prior to the use      theory of metaphor.
            of    metaphor,    somewhat     making    the             A  conceptual  metaphor,  that  is,
            likenesses. This one suggests that metaphor is      cognitive metaphor, is considered one of the
            narrowed to phenomena deep-rooted in actual         basic  mental  processes,  a  way  of  cognizing,
            or  possible  experience  [4,  90].  The  second    structuring  and  explaining  the  world  around
            main  theory  is  the  substitution  theory  of     us;  the  connection  of  knowledge  about  one
            metaphor. This approach says “metaphor is a         conceptual  area  in  another  conceptual  area.
            way of saying what may perhaps be supposed          Remains  of  the  experience  are  formed  and
            accurately”  [4,  90].  One  can  exchanges         reproduced in a particular cultural society.
            metaphor with a synonymous expression. As                 The  formulation  of  the  question  of  the
            a  consequence,  the  metaphor:  He  trumpeted      conceptual metaphor gave impetus to research
                                                                in  the  sphere  of  human  thought  processes.

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