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Хорижий филология  №2, 2019 йил


                                            Temirova Shoxsanam Komilovna,
                            Master student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

                    Key  words:  Language  for  Specific  Purposes  (LSP),  Phraseology  in  air-ground
            communications, Linguistic Comprative Analysis, lingua franca.

                  In  most  professional  fields  exchanging    English    radiotelephony    teaching.   She
            information  between  collagues  based  on          investigated  French  controlers  and  pilots
            verbal  commmunication.  In  a  field  every        special  language  usages  made  of  English
            workers  has  their  own  resonsibility.  Being     language.  She  chose  a  comparative  study  as
            able  to  communicate  for  these  experts  is  a   the  method  of  analysis.  She  tried  to  show
            necessity  for  sharing  and  transferring          differences  and  simmilarities  between  two
            knowladge     required   fulfil   their   job.      corpora. They are:1. The prescribed norm.
            Institutions  and  authorities  can  create               2. Real usage made of prescribed norm.
            linguistic  norms  if  these  communication-        In this article I am giong to show how English
            dependent situation are recurent enough. The        is  used  by  pilots  and  controllers  in  real  air-
            aim of this linguistic norms is to create easer     ground  communication  and  what  kinds  of
            communication  at  syntactic,  lexical  and         differences  can  be  seen  between  natural
            semantic level. By the help of simplified rule      language  and  spesialized  English  for  air-
            members  of  communication  can  understand         ground communication.
            the  task  and  can  do  the  given  task.  Using  a      The communication that can be seen in
            language  according  to  it‘s  syntactic,  lexical   air  traffic  control  is  based  on  spesialized
            and semantic rules can be difficult to learn or     language.  Such  kind  of  language  known  as
            understand  the  given  tasks.  There  are  some    phraseology.  The  creater  of  this  term  is
            misunderstandings for the people who do not         considered  International  Civil  Aviation
            work  in  this  field.  There  are  six  official   Organisation and has been used by members
            language  of  civil  aviation.  They  are:  1.      of  air-ground  communication.  It  is  said  by
            English  2.  French  3.  Spanish  4.  Russian    5.   this authority that the purpose of phraseology
            Arabic 6. Chinese.                                  is  to  provide  clear,  concise,  unambiguous
                  So  they  conduct  the  special  language     langiage  to  communicate  messages  of
            that  can  be  understandable  for  all  pilots  and   abrotine nature. Nevertheless, the rules of this
            controlled.  In  this  case,  it  does  not  matter   spesializedlangiage  is  very  strict  at  lexical,
            pilots‘  and  controllers‘  first  languages.       syntactic,  santic  and  fonetic  levels.  Here  are
            Nowadays, English is considered as a lingua         some  examples  of  short  conversiation
            franca    (international   language).   Thus        between      members       of      air-ground
            spesialized    language    for    Air-ground        communication.
            communication       based     on      English             Before  giving  examples  I  am  going  to
            phraseology.  The  English  language  is            give definition of some phreses that are used
            considered  an  an  available  language  for  all   in  air  -ground  communication.  To  minimize
            aircraft  stations.  There  are  many  researches   the risk for misunderstandings a well defined
            on  this  theme.  The  most  important  one  is     set  of  words  are  used  in  mostly  the  same
            Stéphanie  Lopez‘s  doctoral  research  project.    sequence when clearances are given by ATC
            She  started  her  project  in  French  Civil       and read back by pilots.
            Aviation  University  (  ENAC).  At  the  same            "Cleared  for/to"  -  normally  followed
            time  she  worked  in  the  linguistic  institute   by a takeoff/landing clearance or a clearance
            CLLE-  ERSS  at  the  aim  of  trying  and          limit, such as a fix, navigational aid or airport.
            learning  ENAC‘s  spesific  needs  in  terms  of

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