Page 42 - 4-сон 2018 йил
P. 42

Хорижий филология  №4, 2018 йил

                     24           M                   24                32                 88
                     25           XO                   4                36                 72

                     26           YF                  28                44                 96
                     27            B                  48                80                100
                     28           MV                  44                60                100

                     29           BA                  12                32                 84
                            Total ∑x                 888               1560               2474

                             Mean X                  30.62             53.79             85.31

                     From  the  table  above,  it  can  be           Nevertheless,  after  post  cycle  I-test
               concluded  that  the  improvement  of           had been given on 7  November 2018 and
               students‘  vocabulary  mastery  rapidly  from   it had been already in meeting 16. It can be
               pre cycle-test  to  the post  cycle  I-test,  then   seen  the  improvement  of  students‘
               for the final test in post cycle II-test.       vocabulary  mastery.  The  lesson  of
                                                               vocabularies  by  applying  mind  mapping
                                DISCUSSION                     strategy had been given 3 times by 2 weeks
                     Based on observation result and data      range  in  each  meeting.  The  students  had
               analysis in result of research can be known     known  some  vocabularies  quickly  because
               that  there  was  improvement  of  students‘    mind  mapping  strategy  helped  them
               vocabulary  mastery  by  applying  mind         memorize     branches    of    vocabularies
               mapping strategy in each cycle.                 themselves  even  though  they  didn‘t
                     The students of Indonesian Language       understand  completely  for  all  words  in  a
               for Foreign Speakers (ILFS) at Samarkand        sentence.
               State  Foreign  Languages  Institute  are             At the end of the test  (post cycle II-
               beginner students (level A-1). Pre cycle-test   test),  it  can  be  seen  the  significant
               was  given  on  22 nd  of  September  2018,  in   improvement if compared to the pre cycle-
               the  fifth  meeting  of  Indonesian  language   test.  The  test  was  given  on  1   December
               class. No students could pass ≥ 65 score of     2018  and  it  has  been  in  meeting  24.  The
               standard  of  minimum  completeness  of         students  more  understood  and  memorized
               mastery learning. It was normal since they      many  vocabularies  by  applying  mind
               did not know many vocabularies in meeting       mapping strategy. This improvement can be
               five of leaning activities.                     seen in table 2 as follows, it is summary of
                                                               students‘ evaluation ≥ 65 score.

                                    Table 2. Students‟ Vocabulary Tests Percentage

                   No           Tests           Number of students passing score 65      Percentage
                    1   Pre cycle-test                            -                          0%
                    2   Post cycle I-test                        11                        37,93%
                    3   Post cycle II-test                       27                        93.10%

   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47