Page 43 - 4-сон 2018 йил
P. 43
Хорижий филология №4, 2018 йил
Based on the observation result by vocabularies quickly and preciously.
interviewing to some students, it was gotten Therefore, it is needed a strategy in language
information that they didn‘t understand all the teaching, especially for vocabularies to
words in questions (there are 25 questions). improve students‘ language ability either in
There were some words that they didn‘t active communication or passive
know, nevertheless; by mind mapping communication. And mind mapping strategy
strategy they were confident to answer the is one of the best choices.
question. The students understood in context Teacher of Indonesian Language for
by keywords inside of the sentences. Foreign Speakers (ILFS) even other language
CLOSING teachers can use mind mapping in learning
Based on the result of this classroom activities. This strategy can be used in all
action research which was held during two language skills, such as reading, writing,
cycles and each cycle consisted of three speaking, and listening. Teacher can create
meetings, it can be said that the hypothesis more by mind mapping strategy to improve
formulated has been proved. By applying the vocabularies, because the vocabularies are
learning model of mind mapping strategy can the base of a language to communicate both
improve students‘ vocabulary mastery of actively and passively in target language.
Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers Students also need to be motivated to
(ILFS) in Samarkand State Institute of memorize as many as words in Indonesian
Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan. It can be language or target learned language so that
seen from pre cycle-test result, the percentage they can use the words in writing or speaking.
of standard of minimum completeness was Students can make notes by mind mapping
0% only. Then, post cycle I-test was obtained forms so as to become attractive, easily
the improvement to be 37.93%, and for the remembered, and full of creation.
last, post cycle II-test, improved significantly It is expected that there will be other
to be 93.10%. researches about mind mapping strategy to
The average mark also improved from develop new strategies to result betterment of
30.62 in pre cycle-test to be 53.79 in the post learning activities. It can hopefully improve
cycle I-test. And, in the last test, post cycle II- the learning process of Indonesian Language
test, improved significantly to be 85.31. for Foreign Speakers (ILFS) or other foreign
It shows that the students of foreign languages.
language (non-mother language) will find
difficulties to understand and memorize
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