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Хорижий филология  №4, 2018 йил


                                                 Nasution Jamaluddin,
                     (Indonesian Language Lecturer) Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages,

                  Key words: mind mapping strategy, ILFS, vocabulary.

                         INTRODUCTION                                Vocabularies,  glossaries,  lexicons,  are
                  In  globalization  era,  just  as  nowadays,   the  word  wealth  of  a  language.  Learning
            language has an important role in human life       vocabularies  is  the  first  step  in  language
            as  a  medium  of  communication  to  other        learning,  since  no  one  communicates  without
            people.  There  are  a  lot  of  languages  all  over   words   themselves.   Most   of   students
            the  world  used  as  an  international  language   acknowledge  the  importance  of  vocabulary
            such  as  English,  Arabic,  Mandarin,  Russia,    acquisition.  Leaning  vocabularies,  however,
            etc.                                               are not optimally applied in language learning.
                  Lately, one of the languages started to be        Vocabulary mastery in all language skills
            learned  by  foreigners  and  grown  rapidly  is   has an important role to determine of language
            Indonesian    language    (Dv,   Nv;    2018;      competence  of  the  learners.  Therefore,
          learning  vocabulary  should  be  connected
            asa/berita/2700/di-luar-negeri-bahasa-             directly  to  the  receptive  ability  and  language
            indonesia-semakin-diminati).  The  strategic       production wholly. For instance, how a foreign
            position of Indonesia and natural resources as     language  learner  understands  the  difficult
            well  as  human  resources  makes  Indonesia‘s     words  or  expression  found  in  the  text  in
            role  more  strengthening  internationally.  The   reading  skills  is  similar  to  other  skills
            eagerness  of  some  countries  relating  to       (speaking, listening, and writing).
            Indonesia  itself  makes  them  learn  Indonesian        One  of  the  strategies  to       learn
            Language.  In  an  article  of  Pikiran  Rakyat    vocabularies is  mind mapping strategy which
            Daily  News,  it  was  stated  that  Indonesian    can be used as the best strategy. Buzan (2009)
            Language  has  been  already  learned  in  more    stated  that  mind  mapping  is  an  effective
            than 40 countries.                                 strategy and efficient to store words in to our
                  Language is a system of sound or voice       mind.  Mind  mapping  strategy  is  a  graphic
            as  well  as  words  to  express  thoughts  and    technique  involving  words,  colors,  and
            feelings. It means that language is a medium to    pictures.  Mind  mapping  strategy  becomes  a
            express  idea,  thoughts,  feelings,  and  wishes   way  to  shorten  and  summarize  that  can
            using sounds, voices or words. Language also       manage  brain  to  work  naturally.  It  is,  of
            is used as communication medium, language is       course,  different  to  conventional  notes  in
            used also as a mean of our purpose, resulting      which  they  are  written  in  a  long  list  form.
            feelings  and  probably  creating  cooperation     Mind mapping concept takes students‘ mind to
            among  human.  The  language  manages  all         imagine  an  object  as  a  whole  part  that  is
            kinds  of  people‘s  activities,  planning  and    connected  one  another.  If  students  use  the
            directing our future (Gorys Keraf, 1997).          convention  notes,  they  have  to  memorize
                  One  of  the  most  important  parts  of     words  what  they  listed  before.  It  sometimes
            language is vocabulary (glossary). One who is      makes  students  forget  some  words  that  they
            able to memorize many vocabularies and their       already memorized.
            meanings well will be easily understands and            On  the  other  hand,  by  using  mind
            even  speaks  fluently  in  target  language.  It  is   mapping strategy, students build all the picture
            needed,  of  course,  the  way  to  master,  enrich   that they can imagine relating to the keywords
            the  vocabularies  to  be  able  to  communicate   and pictures. For examples, if the teacher asks
            well in target language.                           the students to imagine the word ―classroom‖

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