Page 41 - 4-сон 2018 йил
P. 41

Хорижий филология  №4, 2018 йил

            Source triangulation is done by checking data      minimum  completeness  of  mastery  learning,
            about  leaning  activity  process;  meanwhile      i.e.: ≥ 65 score. This research is categorized to
            technique  triangulation  is  observation,  tests,   succeed  if  80%  students  in  Indonesian
            and documentations.                                Language  for  Foreign  Speakers  (ILFS)  level
                  Data  analysis  used  is  interaction  data   A-1  at  Samarkand  State  Foreign  Language
            analysis  which  was  introduced  by  Miles  and   Institute,  Uzbekistan  achieve  ≥  65  score  of
            Huberman  in  Sugiyono  (2008).  It  consists of   standard of minimum completeness of mastery
            three  phases,  i.e.;  (1)  data  reduction,  data   learning.
            display,  the  data  displayed  is  recapitulation                   RESULT
            result  both  students  and  teacher‘s  activities       Pre  cycle-test  was  given  at  the  first
            during  learning  proses,  (3)  data  verification,   meeting before attending the cycle I and cycle
            checking about research‘s report.                  II.  Post  cycle-test  was  given  at  the  end  of
                  Indicator of performance of this research    meeting in two cycles; each cycle consists of
            was  based  on  curriculum  and  syllabus  of      three  meetings.  The  result  of  students‘
            Indonesian  Language  for  Foreign  Speakers       vocabularies can be seen in the table below;
            (ILFS)  level  A-1  as  well  as  standard  of

                                       Table 1. Total Vocabulary Test of Students

                     No    Students‟ Initial    Pre Cycle-Test     Cycle-Test I      Cycle-Test II
                      1           ET                  20                68                 84

                      2           AS                  28                48                 80
                      3           MD                  32                68                 84
                      4           UA                  24                68                 92

                      5           UE                  12                16                 76
                      6           SF                  24                76                 92
                      7           EE                   4                48                 88
                      8           XZ                  36                84                 84

                      9           BA                  20                76                 88
                     10           MS                  28                40                 60
                     11           NK                  56                60                100

                     12            O                  20                24                 64
                     13            Q                  36                44                100
                     14           SR                  56                80                100

                     15           ZJ                  52                60                 92
                     16           VA                  60                76                 84
                     17           AS                   0                32                 64

                     18           M                   28                40                 70
                     19           NF                  52                76                 92
                     20           PN                  56                72                 96

                     21            S                  28                44                 88
                     22           KO                  36                44                 80
                     23           SX                  20                32                 76

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