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Хорижий филология  №4, 2018 йил

            the students will imagine things relating to the        Vocabulary mastery in daily activities has
            keyword, such as:  table, chair, book, teacher,    the important role, since the human mind can
            student,  eraser,  etc.  They  will  recall  all  the   be  only  understood  clearly  by  others  if  only
            words quickly because they write the words by      the  mind  is  uttered  by  using  vocabularies.
            picture.  Mind  mapping  is  expected  to  make    Then,  Pustejovsky  in  Fahrudin  and  Jamaris
            students  mastering  vocabularies  quickly  in     (2005)  showed  that  language  capacity  of
            order  that  they  can  communicate  in  target    someone  is  a  reflection  of  their  ability  to
            language well. Therefore, the writer focuses on    categorize and to show particular meanings.
            teaching  vocabularies  to  students  by  using         According  to  Martin  in  Trianto  (2009),
            mind mapping strategy.                             mind  mapping  is  important  and  new
                 The main goal of using mind mapping in        innovation  to  assist  children  resulting  a
            this  research  is  vocabularies.  According  to   meaningful  learning  in  class.  Mind  mapping
            Soedjito (2009), vocabularies or glossaries can    help  teachers  understand  various  concepts
            be defined as; (1) all words in a language, (2)    which  is  laid  inside  the  taught  topic.  Clear
            the word storage owned by someone or writer,       mapping     is   able    to   help   avoiding
            (3)  words  used  in  a  knowledge  /  subject,  (4)   misconception which is made by students.
            word lists that are listed just like dictionary as      Mind  mapping  combines  and  develop
            well  as  their  brief  and  practical  explanations.   potentially  the  human  brain  work.  By
            Meanwhile, glossaries stated by Richard, Platt     involving two sides of brain, it will be easily
            and  Webber  (1985)  are  a  mean  of  lexeme      for someone to manage and recall all kinds of
            including singular or plural words and idioms.     information in written or verbally.
                 Keraf  (2001)  divided  the  vocabulary            Based  on  the  theories  above,  it  can  be
            mastery stages as below;                           concluded  that  applying  mind  mapping  as  a
                  1.  Children  Stage.  The  vocabulary        learning  model  is  expected  to  develop
            mastery  for  children  more  tends  to  ability   students‘  understanding  and  memorizing
            concrete  opinion.  They  just  need  some         toward  vocabularies.  The  students  will  easily
            terminologies to express words freely.             remember various words which will be used to
                  2.  Teenager  Stage.  When  one  starts  to   communicate either actively or passively.
            go  to  school,  the  previous  process  still           According  to  Tony  Buzan  (2009),  the
            continues  and  added  by  several  processes  to   steps in making mind mapping are; (1) start in
            master  their  language  and  to  enrich  their    the center of a blank page turned sideways, (2)
            vocabularies.                                      use an image or picture for your central idea,
                  3.  Adult stage. For those growing to be     (3)  use  colors  throughout,  (4)  connect  your
            adult, both the previous stages are continuing.    main  branches  to  the  central  image  and
            Enrichment  process  continues  more  intensive    connect your second- and third-level branches
            because in the stage someone must be able in       to  the  first  and  second  levels,  etc.,  (5)  make
            many things just like skills; therefore, he must   your  branches  curved  rather  than  straight-
            communicate with other people.                     lined, (6) use one key  word per line, and (7)
                 Vocabulary  mastery  is  very  important  in   use images throughout.
            language,    the   more    one   masters    in           There  are  steps  that  should  be  done  in
            vocabularies,  the  more  he/she  has  language    learning  process  of  mind  mapping  model.
            skills  (Tarigan,  1989).  Fahrudin  and  Jamaris   They are; (1) overview, checking for all topics,
            (2005)  say  that  vocabulary  mastery  can  be    (2) preview, more explanation toward a topic,
            divided  into  two  groups,  i.e.;  mastery        (3) in view, the point of learning process, (4)
            vocabulary in reception and production.            review, rechecking in the end of learning.
                 Receptive  vocabulary  mastery  is  the             Similar  to  other  learning  models,  mind
            understanding  process  which  is  uttered  by     mapping  model  has  also  advantages  and
            other  people,  reception  is  meant  as  a  passive   disadvantages (weakness). According to Olivia
            mastery.  Meanwhile,  production  mastery  is  a   (2008), the advantages of mid mapping are; (1)
            process  to  communicate  ideas,  thoughts,  and   easy ways  to  dig information either inside or
            feelings through language form.                    outside  of  brain,  (2)  new  ways  to  study  and

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