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Хорижий филология  №4, 2018 йил

            train  quickly,  (3)  the  way  in  making  notes   students  are  not  accustomed  to  Indonesian
            avoiding boredom, (4) the best way to get new      language  rather  than  other  languages  such  as
            idea  and  planning  project,  (5)  medium  for    English or Russian Language.
            thinking  because  of  helping  twice  to  think         The problem of this study is formulated
            better,  twice  faster,  twice  more  clearly,  and   as  ―Can  mind  mapping  strategy  improve
            interesting.  And  the  disadvantages  of  mind    students‘  mastery  of  vocabularies?‖.  This
            mapping are; (1) only students are active, (2)     study  is  aimed  to  know  how  mind  mapping
            students do not study at all, (3) students‘ mind   strategy can enrich  and  improve vocabularies
            mapping  are  various  making  teacher  difficult   of students in vocabulary mastery.
            to check.                                                This  study  only  focuses  on  mind
                  Almost of all the students feel difficultly   mapping  analysis  in  vocabulary  learning  of
            in mastering vocabularies because of difficult     students  in  Indonesian  Language  for  Foreign
            memorizing      and    categorizing    words.      Speakers  (ILFS) in  Samarkand State  Institute
            Therefore, it is important for teacher to choose   of Foreign Languages.
            the appropriate and engrossed strategy in order                 METHODOLOGY
            that  the  students  of  Indonesian  language  are       This  research  is  conducted  in
            able to master many vocabularies.                  Indonesian  Language  for  Foreign  Speakers
                  Mind  mapping  is  precise  strategy  to     (ILFS) in Samarkand State Institute of Foreign
            improve  vocabulary  mastery  of  language         Languages, Uzbekistan. Total of subjects is 29
            learners,  especially  in  Indonesian  language.   students;  male  students  are  6  persons  while
            Vocabulary  will  be  grouped  into  mind          female students are 22 persons.
            mapping based on the category, for example;              Research  time  is  conducted  in  October
            fruits, vegetables, occupations, transportations,   2018  until  December  2018  in  odd  semester.
            animals,  clothes,  etc.  Therefore,  the  students   This  research  is  Classroom  Action  research
            will understand the meaning of the words by        (CAR).  This  research  was  started  by  (1)
            understanding word context and also helped by      Planning,  (2)  Implementing,  (3)  Observing,
            the keywords.                                      and (4) Evaluating or reflecting. This research
                  In  learning  activities,  teacher  will     is carried out in two cycles, i.e.; the firs cycle
            introduce  the  word  category,  for  instance     as an implementation of action, while second
            ―fruits‖.  Then  the  teacher  asks  students  to   cycle is the betterment (Arikunto, 2010).
            make that word (fruit) as a keyword by writing           Source  of  data  is  from  students‘
            it capitally in the center of blank paper. Next,   information  of  Indonesian  Language  for
            students  draw  branches  from  the  keyword       Foreign Speakers (ILFS) in level A-1 in which
            itself to make as many as words relating to the    their  program  is  English  department  and
            keyword  (fruit).  They  can  write  words,  such   Translation  department  in  Samarkand  State
            as;  banana,  apple,  melon,  grape,  etc.  After   Foreign  Language  Institute,  Uzbekistan.  The
            students finish making mind mapping, teacher       data  as  a  learning  observation  is  obtained  by
            asks them to memorize the words as well as to      using observation sheets and evaluation mark
            imagine the picture. For Indonesian Language       by giving tests.
            for  Foreign  Speakers  (ILFS)  students,  the           The techniques of collecting data is this
            teacher  should  also  consider  about  students‘   research  are;  (1)  observation,  the  observation
            pronunciation.  Teacher  also  asks  students  to   was  done  toward  both  teacher  and  students‘
            build  the  words  to  become  sentences,  both    activities  during  the  learning  activities,  (2)
            speaking and writing.                              Tests, in this research, the tests were given at
                  This  study  focuses  on  mind  mapping,     the    end    of   learning   activities,   (3)
            because  this  strategy  will  help  students      Documentation, such as photos and videos of
            memorize  words  quickly  and  enrich  the  new    learning  activities,  lesson  plans,  syllabi,  and
            words. According to the writer, the students of    list of evaluation.
            Indonesian  Language  for  Foreign  Speakers            The  technique  used  in  checking  for  data
            (ILFS)  in  Uzbekistan  are  still  difficult  to   validity,   the   researcher   used   source
            categorize some independent words, since the       triangulation  and  technique  triangulation.

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