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Хорижий филология.  №2, 2016 йил


                                                    Khojeev Andrey,
                            Associate Lecturer of Uzbekistan State World Languages University

                   Key words: conceptual/cognitive metaphor, source domain, target domain, politic discourse,
            economic discourse, concept, conceptsphere, Cognitive Linguistics, Linguoculturology

                   Having shifted the structural paradigm,             The second approach has initially been
            the anthropocentric one  has  enabled to  carry     put  forth  by  American  linguists  G.    Lakoff
            outcomplex  investigationsstudying  language        and M. Johnson in their work “Metaphors We
            from different angles, from the perspective of      Live  By”.  Having  introduced  the  notion  of
            the human and his activities. In other words,       conceptual metaphor theyhighlighted that it is
            the linguistic means arestudied on the basis of     “pervasive  in  everyday  life,  not  just  in
            the assumptions of the modern trends such as        language,  but  in  thought  and  action.  Our
            Psycholinguistics,    Discourse     Analysis,       ordinary conceptual system, in terms of which
            Linguocognitive  and  Linguocultural  Studies.      we  both  think  and  act,  is  fundamentally
            Thus, the present article is aimed at revealing     metaphorical in nature” [Lakoff, Jonson 1980:
            metaphors  in  newspaper  discourse  and  their     4].  In  this  way,  we  enlarge  our  conceptual
            classification  in  the  light  of  Cognitive       system by acquiring the concepts through the
            linguistics and Linguoculturology.                  conceptual  metaphor.  Thus,  conceptual
                   Referring to the different scholars, we      metaphor enabled scholars to study it not only
            can  outline  the  following  interpretation  of    as a stylistic device, but also as a phenomenon
            Linguoculturology:  it  is  a  complex  and         through  which  language  and  cognition  are
            interdisciplinary study of the linguistic means     interrelated.
            which    embody     cultural   and   ethnical              According  to  the  theoryconceptual
            specificity.  Cultural  specificity  and  ethnic    metaphor  is  the  cognitive  process  between
            peculiarities  are  reflected  both  linguistically   two  frames  (structures  of  knowledge)  –  the
            in  the  notional  component  of  language  unit    source  domain  and  the  target  domain.  The
            and  non-linguistically  through  its  deep         source  domain  is  the  structure  of  already
            semantics.  In  this  way,  Linguoculturology  is   acquired  notions  whereas  the  target  domain
            the discipline which by the use of systematic       represents the new concepts that are going to
            methods  investigates  the  language  units         be acquired. The acquisition of new concepts
            (linguoculturemes)  that  embody  store  and        is realized through metaphorical mapping that
            transfer  cultureand  are  usually  revealed  in    transfers  some  of  the  elements  from  the
            discourse.  [Ashurova  2012,  Воробьев  2006,       source domain to the target domain. In other
            Красных 2002, Телия 1999]                           words,  the  source  domain  serves  as  a
                   Among all types of culturally specific       basement for the target  domain, i.e. the new
            means,  however,metaphor  is  of  paramount         knowledge is acquired in comparison with the
            importance. It is worth noting, that there are      old  one.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  some  of  the
            two approaches to its investigation: metaphor       elements,  and  consequently  some  of  the
            as a linguistic mechanism, and metaphor as a        features,  of  the  source  and  target  domain
            cognitive  principle.  The  first  mentioned        implicitly  coincide  with  each  other.  This
            approach  presumes  metaphor  as  a  stylistic      coincidence was termed as invariance.
            (rhetoric)  device  that  is  used  for  achieving         The  assumption  about  the  cognitive
            poetic  imagination  and  consequently  making      nature of metaphor and its cultural value goes
            an aesthetic impact on the readers. In this case    back to the Aristotle‟s times; the philosopher
            metaphor is the property of the language.           claimed that metaphor is a conversion of the
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