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Хорижий филология.  №2, 2016 йил

                   The    examples    bellow    represent       points  out  that  there  is  a  strong  correlation
            metaphors  connected  with  the  electing           between  circulation  and  distribution  of  the
            process (The Guardian Newspaper):                   goods and the body part. So, he presumes the
               German election: Angela Merkel secures           circulation  money  originated  from  the
                          historic third win                    circulation  of  blood  in  the  body  [Bicchieri,
                 The Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin           1988].  Another  assumption  proposed  is  that
             Netanyahu, has declared a „great victory‟ for      the  economic  system  is  metaphorically
               his Likud party, as his rival Isaac Herzog       compared with the living organisms [Marshall,
              refused to concede defeat. With more than         1920:56].  As  the  latest  one  the  economic
             90% of the vote countered, Likud has scored        system  grows,  changes  and  decays.  Having
              what many are calling an emphatic victory,        conducted a research, W. Ormerod comes to
                but Herzog said he was still focused on         the  conclusion  that  the  conception  of
             forming „a socially- minded government‟ for        economy as a piece of machinery in the XIX
                                Israel.                         century  was  an  outcome  of  the  parallel
                     Abbas wins landslide victory               advances  in  the  natural  science  achieved  at
               Mahmoud Abbas today began his work as            that  time,  consequently,  leading  to  the
               Yasser Arafat's successor after winning a        shaping the views about the world in general
                  landslide victory in the Palestinian          and  about  economy  in  particular[Ormerod,
                presidential election. […]Final results         1997]. Thus, metaphors in  economic content
             announced today gave Mr Abbas 62% of the           of  newspaper  discourse  are  created  for  the
              vote. His nearest rival, Mustafa Barghouti,       sake of understanding complicated economic
              had 19% of the vote and conceded defeat.          theories  and  economic  phenomenon  and  in
                   In  the  above  given  extracts  the         this  way  being  more  persuasive  for  the
            phrases:win an election, great victory, rival,      potential readers.
            defeat,  emphatic  victory,  conceded  defeat,             Some of the economic metaphors due
            win  landscape  victory  enable  us  to  presume    to their frequent usage turned out to be well-
            another  conceptual  metaphor  that  has  been      established in the humans‟ conceptsphere and,
            found  to  be  of  frequent  usage  in  newspaper   consequently,  became  cliché-like.  Here  are
            discourse  ELECTION  IS  FIGHT.  It  has            some of them:
            become a long lasting tradition for newspaper       There are three closely interrelated sources of
            editors  toassociate  the  electing  process  with   instability in the present system: the volatility
            the  FIGHT  and  the  candidates  for  the  post      of international capital flows, bubbles in
            with the rivals. As in any fight one wins and           stock market prices and exchange rate
            another loses so in any election one gains the         instability. In a typical crisis, inflows of
            victory and others get defeated.                      foreign capital and booms in share prices
                   It is worth noting that metaphors made        feed oneach other and put upward pressure
            their  own  way  in  highlighting  economic                      on exchange rates.
            issues  either.  The  economic  metaphor  has       The  passage  illustrates  several  types  of
            been  widely  investigated  by  the  Western        metaphor in the economic context. The first is
            scholar.  Hence,  McClockey  claims  that           the  ontological  metaphor  –CAPITAL  IS  A
            economics  is  metaphorical  in  nature.  In  his   RIVER,  the  expressions  like  „international
            manual  “The  Rhetoric  of  Economics”  he          capital  flow‟,  „inflows  of  foreign  capital‟
            claims  that  metaphor  is  the  most  frequent     conceptually  link  them  to  the  stream  of  the
            rhetoric that expends the essence of economic       river.  The  other  subtype  of  ontological
            thinking –“to say that markets are represented      metaphor  is  personification  –PRICE  IS  A
            by supply and demand „curve‟ is no less than        HUMAN  can  be  found  in  the  expression
            metaphor,  than  to  say  that  the  west  wing  is   „share  prices  feed  on  each  other‟.  Another
            „the  breath  of  autumn‟  being  [McClockey,       ontological  metaphor  is  PRICES  ARE
            1983:  502].  Another  scholar  C.  Bicchieri       BUBBLES that hints to the instability in the
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