Page 57 - 2-2016
P. 57
Хорижий филология. №2, 2016 йил
stock market. Finally, the last expression expressions „heart of economy‟, „markets‟
„booms in share prices‟ is of the orientational nerve‟, „backbone of the economy‟ denote
type –BOOM IS UP. „vital part of economy‟ , „the most sensitive
However, some of the metaphorical part of the market‟, „a support for the
expressions in theeconomic context are economy‟ reflect the structure of economic
unique. They are created to form a certain system forming the target domain THE
concept in the conceptual frame of the STRUCTURE OF ECONOMIC SYSTEM
addressee; therefore, they tend to be of a high and the source domain THE STRUCTURE
sense of imagination. The next examples OF PHYSICAL BODY. Finally, in the last
demonstrate it: two examples the expressions „remedy for
a. Vodafone boosted by weak pound but economy‟ and „headache for economy‟ refer
struggling in mature markets to the human‟s state forming the target
b. Obama puts housing at the heart of domain THE CONDITION OF ECONOMY
economy and the source domain THE CONDITION OF
c. Markets’ nerve on fears of end to THE HUMAN ORGANISM.
quantitative easing Thus, in the article we have examined
d. […]There is still a great need to metaphor which is not only a stylistic device
address the plight of Kenya‟s poor but also a complex cognitive process for
people, as agriculture remains the cognizing the world and designating new
backbone of the economy. […] concepts. It has been found that metaphor is
e. Europe: Zapatero tries urgent remedy closely connected with culture as a tool
for Spain's economy serving for widening the conceptual world
f. A growing headachefor the Chinese picture. The conceptual metaphorisation in
economy newspaper discourse is a two- fold process. It,
In the examples listed above the ontological on the one hand, is used to invoke certain
metaphor –ECONOMY IS A HUMAN concepts in the readers‟ conceptual frame,
BEING was used. Thus, in the first example while, on the other, is used as the form of
the expression „mature market‟ denotes unique expressions aiming at creating new
„developed market‟, that conceptually links concepts and images for the sake of
them to the milestone in human life process provoking certain pragmatic effect. Having
consequently forming the target domain charged pragmatically, conceptual metaphor,
STAGES OF ECONOMIC SYSTEM and the as a result, is of frequent usage in politic,
source domain STAGES OF HUMAN social and economic content.
BEING. In the next three examples the
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