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Хорижий филология. №2, 2016 йил
name from one kind to another by analogy exert influence on the addressee and as a
[Аристотель 1927: 39]. Sh. Bally explains result on his actions [Будаев, Чудинов
the metaphor as a way to compare substantial 2008:51]. In this way, by revealing source
objects with the abstract ones by expressing domain through metaphorical representation
the comparison within one sign [Балли 1961: we may reveal theattitude of the addresser
221]. Joining these views V.A. Maslova towards the issue being discussed.
considers metaphor as a powerful tool for To better understanding the political
cognizing the abstract notions, which are nature of conceptual metaphors and their
more complicated in nature. The cognition is functions in newspaper discourse, let us
based on the comparison of the new (abstract) consider some of the examples taken from the
concepts with the old (concrete) ones. She Guardian newspaper:
adds that metaphor reflects fundamental Europe moves to end passport-free travel in
cultural values as it embodies the nationally migrant row
and culturally specific world outlook. European nations moved to reverse decades
[Маслова 2001: 90-91]. G. Lakoff highlights of unfettered travel across the continent when
the fact that conceptual metaphor is an a majority of EU governments agreed the
integral part of the cultural paradigm need to reinstate national passport controls
possessed by the native speaker [Lakoff amid fears of a flood of immigrants fleeing
1993:210]. Thus, the acquisition of the new the upheaval in North Africa.
concepts is an effective means of enlarging
the conceptsphere of the native speaker and Thousands of Bulgarians and Romanians
consequently widening the national world 'plan to flood UK in 2014' as employment
picture. restrictions relax
There distinguished three types of Hordes of Romanians and Bulgarians are
conceptual metaphors: structural, ontological already preparing to head for Britain in
and orientational metaphors. Structural search of work, according to a Mail on
metaphor presupposes the acquisition of the Sunday investigation.
concepts of the target domain by their
systematic organization through the The immigration invasion that never was
comparison with the everyday activities. No Extra flights, empty seats – the lack of
Ontological metaphor is the way we perceive stampeding Bulgarians and Romanians shows
abstract notions by outlining their shapes in the rightwing hysteria for what it was.
the space, or by personification. Finally, the The metaphorical expressions:flood of
orientational metaphor organizes the whole immigrants, to flood UK, to head for Britain,
system of concepts with respect to one immigration invasion conceptually link with
another. That is to say, the concepts of the the image of invaders that form the structural
target domain are organized according to our metaphor –IMMIGRANTS ARE INVADERS.
experience of spatial orientation. [Lakoff, Indeed, the immigration has become a
Jonson 1980] sensitive topic for the British nowadays; as a
Conceptual metaphor is of frequent consequence, their arrival is compared with
use in political discourse. Newspapers as one invasion or even with the natural disasters. By
of its types present a great number of using these metaphorical expressions the
examples. It may probably be connected with editors form a respective image in this way
the assumption that a person tends to react not influencing the public opinion. Thus, the
so to objective reality as to the cognitive conceptual metaphor works towards cognition
representations of the reality in his mind. forming a certain concept in the readers‟
Since the cognitive frames (knowledge conceptsphere through the image of
structure) are usually formed by the means of INVADER.
metaphor, so it may be an effective tool to