Page 128 - 2-сон 2019 йил
P. 128

Хорижий филология  №2, 2019 йил

                  "Expedite" - execute given instructions       ecamples. In the conversiation P- pilot, ATC-
            immediately  without  delay.  If  the  Pilots  are   air-traffic controller.
            not able to comply they must inform ATC. An               1.  P:  juliett  mike  papa,  request  right
            example  for  the  use  of  this  phrase  could  be   turn when airborne.
            when  ATC  wants  to  allow  an  aircraft  to             ATC:juliet  mike  papa,  right  turn
            depart,  but  it  has  to  happen  quickly  because   approved, runway 0 8 cleared for
            there  is  an  arriving  aircraft  that  will  land       take-off
            shortly.                                                    P:  runway  0  8  cleared  for  take-  off,
                  "Flight  level"  -  depending  on  where      right turn, juliett mike papa.
            you  are  flying,  there  will  always  be  a             2.  ATC:  Citron  Air  5  3  2  4,
            transition  level  at  a  given  altitude.  When    multidirectional departure runway 3 7, at
            climbing  through  this  altitude  the  Pilots  will        500 feet turn right heading 2 3 1, climb
            change  the  barometric  setting  in  their         4000 feet QNH
            altimeters  from  the  local  value  to  the              P:  multidirectional  depature  runway  3
            International  Standard  Atmosphere  value  of      5, at 500 feet turning Right
            1013,25hPa.    This  ensures  that  all  aircraft         heading  2  3  1,  climb  4000  feet  QNH,
            above  this  altitude  operate  with  the  same     Citron Air 5 3 2 4.
            altimeter setting, ensuring that the appropriate          3.  P:  The  Red  Battle-  flyer,  good
            altitude  separation  between  aircraft  is         morning, victor yankeezulu.
            maintained.                                               ATC: victor yankeezulu, good morning,
                  "Squawk  XXXX"-       used  by  ATC  to       pass your massage.
            inform  the Pilots  of which code they  should            P:  victor  yankee  tango  yankeezulu,
            program  into  the  transponder  of  the  aircraft.   PA28, VFR from Albi to
            Each number in the four number sequence can               the  red  battle-  flyer  for  touch-and  -go,
            range  from  0  to  7,  each  unique  code  then    Agent next, 1500 feet
            allows ATC to discriminate between all of the             echo  time  1  0  6  2,  with  information
            different  aircraft  on  their  radar  screen.  For   Romeo. Requesting joining
            example ATC could say: "Scavac 20, squawk                 instructions.
            4670", which the pilot(s) would then program              ATC:  victor  yankeezulu,  roger,  report
            into their transponder in the cockpit to allow      echo.
            for  identification.  Since  there  are  four  digits      P: will report echo, victor yankeezulu.
            in the transponder with eight different options           While  reading  this  conversiation  the
            for each digit, there is a total of 4096 unique     reader who has not any information about air
            codes available (8^4=4096).                         -traffic  communication  come  accros  some
                  "Wilco"  -  Short  for  "will  comply",       misunderstandings.        In        air-traffic
            normally used by the Pilot to inform ATC that       conversiations  controller  and  pilots  do  not
            he/she will comply with their instructions.  It     name each others‘ with their real names. Each
            can  only  be  used  when  the  specific            members  of  communication  has  their  own
            instructions don't need to be read back. If the     spesialized  names  that  were  given  by
            crew  is  cleared  to  a  new  altitude  or  given  a   authorities.  The  letters  that  used  in
            new  heading  for  example,  they  will  have  to   radiotelephony    is   based   on   NATO‘s
            read back the specific altitude and/or heading.     phonetical rules. There is a table of letters and
            A "wilco" will not suffice in such a case.          their pronunciations below:
                  There  are  many  other  standard  phrases
            commonly used in aviation. Now, we can pass

                Number                 Laters                Telephony              Pronunciation
                1                      A                     Alfa                   Alfah
                2                      B                     Bravo                  Brahvon
                3                      C                     Charlie                Charleeorsharlee
                4                      D                     Delta                  Delltah

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