Page 129 - 2-сон 2019 йил
P. 129
Хорижий филология №2, 2019 йил
5 E Echo Eckoh
6 F Foxtrot Fokstrot
7 G Golf Golf
8 H Hotel Hohtel
9 I India Indeeah
10 J Juliett Jeuleett
11 K Kilo Keylon
12 L Lima Leeman
13 M Mike Mike
14 N November November
15 O Oscar Osscan
16 P Papa Pahpah
17 Q Quebec Kenbeck
18 R Romeo Rowmeoh
19 S Sierra Seeairrah
20 T Tango Tanggo
21 U Uniform Youneeformoroonee
22 V Victor Viktah
23 W Whiskey Wisskey
24 X Xray ecksray
25 Y Yankee Yankey
26 Z Zulu Zooloo
As you see above there are some numbers. Reading these numbers also has its own rule. The table
is given below shows numbers, their written forms and their pronunciation.
0 Zero Zeero
1 One Wun
2 Two Too
3 Three Tree
4 Four Fower
5 Five Fife
6 Six Six
7 Seven Seven
8 Eight Ait
9 Nine Niner
Now, the unknown words in the 3. They do not use determiners. For
conversiation have became understandable, example, they say―request right turn‖ not
but there are some structures that are not used ―request a right turn‖
in natural language. They are followings: 4. Pronouns are not used in
1. Controller should always use thisconversiations. For illumination, they
imparative form when he or she gives an say―request right turn‖ not ―I request a
order. For illustration, instead of ―we would right turn‖
like to turn right‖ they use ―turnright‖, 5. Prepositions also are not used. For
instead of― you should climb‖ they use ― example, they say ―departure runway 34‖
climb‖, instead of ―couldyou report‖ they rather than ―depature from runway‖, they
say ―report‖ and so on. say ―climb 4000 feet‖ rather than ―climb to
2. Interrogative and negative forms are 4000 feet‖.
not used in air-ground communication.