Page 130 - 2-сон 2019 йил
P. 130
Хорижий филология №2, 2019 йил
6. Auxiliaries be and have are not used. 1. P: JMP I request a right turn when
For example, ―Right turn approved‖ rather there is airborne
than ―Right turn is approved‖, ‖cleared ATC: JMP right turn is approved, you
for take- off‖ rather than ― you are cleared areleared for take-off
for take- off‖, ―turning right‖ rather than P: runway 8 is cleared for take- off
―we are turning right‖ and so on. JMP.
7. In air - ground communication highly Now, the meaning of the conversiation
spesialized, univocal and finite lexicon are is understandable for enyone who does not
used. There are less than1000 different words work in airports. All conversiations that are
are imcleded in this group. QNH, VFR, used in air-ground communication can be
touch-and -go are considered as members of analyze according to given tables and and rule
this group. above. English as a international language
8. Letters and numbers are read written create relationship among people from other
according to given tables. For illustration, point of view English for Spesific Purposes
―juliett mike papa‖ not‖ JMP. 3 is functions in this field. Phraseological units
pronounced as ―tree‖ not ―three‖.0 is not that are used in this sphere considered an
read. apart of plain language. Above analyzed
So, we can analyze a dialogue like this: language unitsclearifiesspesific features of
air-traffic communication.
1. Bowker L, Pearson J. Working with Specialised Language, a Practical Guide to using
Corpora. London, New York: Routladge. 2002.-PP. 24-28.
2. Cristal D. English as a Global Language. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 2003.
4. Nübold P, Turney J. Linguistic Redundency in English Aeronautical Radiotelephony. A
case study. BraunschweigerAnglitischeArbeiten. Braunschweig: TechnischeUniversitätCarolo-
wilhelmina. 1983.
5. Philips D. Linguistic Security in the Syntactic Structure of Air Traffic Control English.
English World-Wide. No.12, December(1991)-PP. 103-124.
6. Seidlhofer B. Englush as a Lingua Franca. ELT Journal, No.59. April (2005)-PP. 339-341.
Темирова Ш. Лингвистический анализ английской фразеологии и воздушно-
наземной связи. В этой статье основное внимание уделяется взаимосвязи между языком
для определенных целей, с одной стороны, и фразеологией, с другой. Тем не менее, трудно
дать все фразы для каждого региона. Поэтому в этой статье мы пытаемся дать и
объяснить группу фраз, относящихся к воздушно-наземному общению. Прежде всего, мы
должны определить объект статьи. Объект является языком, который используется
диспетчерами и международными пилотами. Целью данной статьи является описание
использования английской фразеологии и простого языка в общении диспетчер-пилот.
Temirova Sh. Ingliz tili frazeologiyasining lingvistic tahlili va havo yo`llaridagi muloqot.
Ushbu maqola praseologiya va kasbga yo`naltirilgan til o`rtasidagi aloqaga bag`ishlanadi.
Jamiyatda sohalar ko`p. har bir sohaga tegishli bo`lgan iboralarni bir vaqtning o`zida keltirish
mushkul. Shu sabab bu maqolada muallif havo yo`llarida foydalaniladigan iboralarni beradi va
ularni tushuntiradi. Ishning obyekti boshqaruvchi va uchuvchilar o`rtasidagi muloqottilidir. Ishning
maqsadi boshqaruvchi uchuvchi o`rtasidagi muloqotdagi ingliz tiliga oid bo`lgan iboralarning
ishlatilishini ko`rsatib berish va ularni tahlil qilish.