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Хорижий филология  №4, 2019 йил

            понятием инь-ян, который был заимствован даосами от буддистов в I—III вв,возникновения
            понятия  “Пятерицы”  в  китайской  натурфилософии,    а  также  их  толкования  в
            конфуцианстве. Изучен генезис литературного жанра “Хамсы” (“Пятерицы”) в еврейской
            и арабской мифологии.
                  Musurmanov E. The concept of five elements in the Chinese folklore and interpretation of
            the genesis of “Khamsa”. This article discusses issues related to the concept of yin-yang, which
            was borrowed by Taoists from Buddhists in the 1-3  centuries, the emergence of the  concept of
            "Khamsa"(“Five”) in  the  Chinese natural philosophy, as well as their interpretation in
            Confucianism. The genesis of the literary genre “Khamsa” (“Five”) in  Jewish and Arabic
            mythology was studied.

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