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Хорижий филология.  №4, 2016 йил

                                          OF LINGUISTIC PERSONALITY
                                                     Normurodova Nozliya,
                                                    PhD, Associate professor
                            The University of Uzbek language and literature named after Alisher Navoi

                   Key words: anthropocentric paradigm, linguopragmatics, convergence of stylistic devices,
            linguistic personality.

                   The  anthropocentric  paradigm  in           being one of the important types of pragmatic
            linguistics,  which  contains  the  human  factor   intentions, is verbalized in the text by means
            and his activity as a central part in the process   of  convergence.  Convergence  of  stylistic
            of studying language, opens up new scientific       devices  is  one of the types  of foregrounding
            discipline such as linguopragmatics.                and is defined as ―an accumulation of stylistic
                  The  initial  thesis  of  the  principle  of   devices  and  expressive  means  within  one
            anthropocentrism     was    formulated     by       fragment of the text. Stylistic means brought
            E.Benvenist  in  his  fundamental  work  "The       together  enforce  both  logical  and  emotive
            general  linguistics"  (2002).  According  to  his   emphasis  of  each  other,  thus  attracting
            principle,  language  is  considered  as  the       attention to certain parts of the text‖ (1, pp.93,
            possibility  of  realization  of  the  personal     140).
            beginning     in    the   person.E.Benvenist                Now let us turn to the analysis of an
            formulated  the  anthropocentric  principle  and    interesting illustration, which is the story The
            stated: "It is impossible to display the person     Garden  Party  by  Katherine  Mansfield.  The
            without language and the language without its       story having Laura Sheridan – a pretty upper-
            inventor.  In  this  world,  a  person  only  exists   middle  class  lady  –  as  a  central  character,
            with  the  language,  the  person  speaking  with   narrates   about   a   sophisticated   social
            another    person,   and    language,   thus,       gathering, i.e. the  garden party organized by
            necessarily belongs to the characterization of      Laura‘s family, and the accidental death of a
            the  person...  In  language  and  thanks  to       young  local  working-class  man  in  the
            language,  a  person  is  constituted  as  the      neighborhood  to  which  Laura  and  the
            subject" (3, p. 293).                               members of her family react differently. The
                   According         to        Ashurova,        following  fragment  from  the  story  can  serve
            ―linguopragmatics is the communicative trend        as  a  convincing  evidence  to  the  topic  being
            of  linguistics  studying  language-in-action,  in   analyzed:
            its relations to the ―users‖ of language, their            Laura put back the receiver, flung her
            activity   with   an    accent   on    social,      arms  over  her  head,  took  a  deep  breath,
            psychological,  cultural  aspects  of  language     stretched  and  let  them  fall.  "Huh,"  she
            functioning‖(2, p.196).                             sighed, and the moment after the sigh she sat
                   This    trend   of   linguopragmatics        up  quickly.  She  was  still,  listening.  All  the
            embraces  a  wide  range  of  problems  such  as    doors  in  the  house  seemed  to  be  open.  The
            the  notion  of  discourse,  the  factors  of  the   house  was  alive  with  soft,  quick  steps  and
            addresser  and  the  addressee,  linguistic         running voices. The green baize door that led
            personality etc. Out of these notions, currently    to  the  kitchen  regions  swung  open  and  shut
            the  notion  of  ―linguistic  personality‖  (LP)  is   with a muffled thud. And now there came a
            of greatest importance (2, 4, 5, 6).                long,  chuckling  absurd  sound.  It  was  the
                   One of the significant  peculiarities of     heavy piano being moved on its stiff castors.
            literary   discourse    in   linguopragmatic        But the air!If you stopped to notice, was the
            interpretation of LP is the factor of emotional     air  always  like  this?Little  faint  winds  were
            impact  on  the  addressee.  Emotional  impact,     playing chase, in at the tops of the windows,

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