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P. 35
Хорижий филология. №4, 2016 йил
There was a pause. admire you and what a respect I have for you.
“How very, very awful!” mused the I know I can do nothing to make up for your
whispering voice. “Is it possible, Henry, you terrible loss, but I want you to know how
are a spirit, and you condemn me?” deeply, how sincerely I feel for you. And if
“Yes, I condemn you!” you'll only allow me to do a little something
Cecilia felt all the pent-up rage going for you it will be a privilege. Don't bear me a
down that rain-pipe. At the same time, she grudge because 1 misjudged you. You're
almost laughed. It was awful. heroic and I'm just a silly fool of a woman.”
(D.H.Lawrence, “The lovely lady” p.14) (S.Maugham “The painted veil” p.131)
A significant role in producing Dorothy Townsend, who had treated
emotional impact here is assigned to various Kitty coldly before her trip to the cholera
types of repetitions. In this story, particularly, epidemic area, suddenly changes her attitude
in this fragment various types of repetitions towards Kitty, who returns to Hong Kong
become a signal of emotional information. after her husband‘s death. The above given
For instance, ―No, no! No, no!”, “very, fragment describes Dorothy‘s sympathetic
very”;anaphora: “there was… there was”, attitude filled with love towards widowed
“I….I”, “Let… Let”; epiphora: Kitty. The emotional state of LP here is
“awful…awful”, “condemn …. condemn”; produced by convergence ofvarious
framing: “There was dead silence… there stylistically marked means such as
was dead silence”; gradation: ―I loved you, repetitions : my dear, my dear; parallel
dearest; I only wanted to help you”, “let structures : I felt ... I felt; you've been ...
Robert live. Let him go! Let him marry!”.In you've been; metaphors : the jaws of death;
combinationwith various types of repetitions repetitions of emotional amplifiers : how
the other stylistic means such as oxymoron and so: so wonderful , so brave, so
(dead silence) and epithet (deep, artificial, humiliated; how deeply, how sincerely;
accusing voice) all taken together they exclamatory sentences : It would be dreadful
promote the effect of emotional tension and for you!; gradation: ... Dorothy took Kitty in
gradation. her arms .., kissed her .., her ... face bore an
We often meet the intensifying expression of real concern .., took her hand
function of emotions (feelings, moods), i.e. and pressed it .., Dorothy elapsed her hands
emotionally expressive function, emotional and her voice, her cool, deliberate and
evaluation, state of LPs in literary works. A distinguished voice, was tremulous with tears;
nice example to illustrate the intensifying The following example employs the
function of emotions can be the extract from convergence to disclose the emotional,
the novel ―The painted veil‖ by S.Maugham: psychological, inner state of the LP as well as
―Oh, my dear, my dear, I'm so his/her evaluative characterization:
dreadfully sorry for you”. Dorothy took the 'I don't feel human. I feel like an
hand that was hanging by Kitty's side and animal. A pig or a rabbit or a dog. Oh, I
pressed it…”But you must. You can't go away don't blame you, I was just as bad. Butit
and live by yourself in your own house. It wasn't the real me I'm not that hateful,
would be dreadful for you!”…“And when I beastly, lustful woman. I disown her. It
heard that you'd gone with your husband into wasn't me that... It was only the animal in me,
the jaws of death, without a moment's dark and fearful like an evil spirit, and I
hesitation. I felt sucha frightful cad. I felt disown, and hate, and despise it. And ever
sohumiliated. You've been so wonderful, since, when I've thought of it, my gorge rises
you've been so brave, you make all the rest of and I feel that I must vomit.'(S. Maugham,
us look so dreadfully cheap and second-rate.' “Painted Veil”, p.198).
Now the tears were pouring down her kind, The main character of the novel, Kitty,
homely face. 'I can't tell you how much I deeply regrets her betrayal to her recently