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P. 33
Хорижий филология. №4, 2016 йил
out at the doors. And there were two tiny utterance. ; c) metaphor – the representation
spots of sun, one on the inkpot, one on a of ―afternoon” by means of linguistic units
silver photograph frame, playing too. Darling such as ―ripened, its petals closed‖ which are
little spots. Especially the one on the inkpot generally used for the resemblance to the
lid. It was quite warm. A warm little silver features indicating flora; d) epithet (perfect
star. She could have kissed it. afternoon).
In the above given fragment emotional No less significant illustration in this
impact is produced by means of convergence respect is the story The Apple Tree by J.
and emotionally colored linguistic units. In Galsworthy. The story depicts a tragic love
addition, we can notice that a great number of story, the whole-hearted love that Megan – a
stylistic devices are in action here: lexical beautiful country girl devotes to her lover –
stylistic devices – personification (house was Frank Ashurst:
alive,running voices, little faint winds were The moon had just risen, very golden,
playing chase, twotiny spots of sun…playing over the hill, and like a bright, powerful,
too), epithet (soft, quick steps, silver star); watching spirit peered through the bars of an
syntactical stylistic means – enumeration, ash tree's half-naked boughs… He
gradation (put back the receiver, flung her listened.There was no wind, but the stream's
arms over her head, took a deep breath, burbling whispering chuckle had gained
stretched and let them fall), exclamatory twice its daytime strength. One bird, he could
sentences (But the air!), rhetorical question not tell what, cried "Pip-pip," "Pip-pip,"
(If you stopped to notice, was the air always with perfect monotony; he could hear a
like this?), elliptical sentences (Darling little night-Jar spinning very far off; an owl
spots. A warm little silver star); various types hooting. Ashurst moved a step or two, and
of repetition including anadiplosis (It was again halted, aware of a dim living whiteness
quite warm. A warm little silver star); all round his head. On the dark unstirring
onomatopoeia (muffled thud, chuckling). trees innumerable flowers and buds all soft
In the same story, we can notice the and blurred were being bewitched to life by
convergence of several stylistic devices the creeping moonlight. He had the oddest
within one sentence, as well: feeling of actual companionship, as if
And the perfect afternoon slowly amillion white moths or spirits had floated in
ripened, slowly faded, slowly its petals and settled between dark sky and darker
closed. ground, and were opening and shutting their
The stylistically marked units used in wings on a level with his eyes. In the
the sentence are: a) gradation – a syntactical bewildering, still, scentless beauty of that
stylistic device based on the arrangement of a moment he almost lost memory of why he had
number of statements or a group of words in come to the orchard.
an ascending order of importance to show The fragment grabs the reader‘s
growing emotional tension. (ripened, faded, attention and exerts tremendous emotional
closed); b) different types of repetition such impact by its massive use of stylistically
as anaphora, which is the repetition of a word marked units thereby creating a convergence
or phrase at the beginning of several of stylistic devices. Here important is the role
subsequent lines (slowly…slowly…slowly), of personification, which is repeatedly yet
parallel construction and asyndeton. It should effectively used in the description of nature as
be noted that repetition, being one of the most well as the inner world picture of LP: ―the
frequently used expressive means of the moon…peered through”, “half-naked
language, is a deliberate, intentional use of the boughs”, “spirits…had settled”, “flowers
same words and/or phrases in the literary and buds…bewitched to life by the creeping
discourse, and it aims at calling the attention moonlight”, “the stream's burbling
of the reader to the key words of the whispering chuckle had gained twice its