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Хорижий филология.  №4, 2016 йил

            deceased husband. Her emotional state under         amazement of her friends: "I simply took her
            deep  remorse  is  expressed  by  numerous          home with me".
            stylistically marked units such as antithesis: I           Represented     speech,     i.e.   the
            don't  feel  human.  I  feel  like  an  animal;     unification/combination of authors speech and
            metaphor  :  a  pig  or  a  rabbit  or  a  dog;     LP‘s internal speech promotes convergence of
            metaphorical  and  simple  epithet  :  beastly      stylistic  devices  such  as  exclamatory
            woman; evil spirit.; gradation : and I disown,      sentences:  How  more  than  extraordinary!;
            and hate, and despise; parallel constructions       Rhetorical question : Supposing she took the
            : It wasn't me that ... It was; comparison : like   girl home?; simile : was like something out of
            an  animal,  like  an  evil  spirit;  hyperbole  :   a novel by Dostoevsky; represented speech :
            when I've thought of it, my gorge rises and I       Supposing she did do one of those things she
            feel  that  I  must  vomit;  simile:  dark  and     was  always  reading  about  or  seeing  on  the
            fearful like an evil spirit.                        stage,  what  would  happen?.  Afterwards,  she
                   Another  literary  work  that  is  suitable   imagines herself replying to the amazement of
            for the analysis in terms of exerting emotional     her  friends  by  saying:  "I  simply  took  her
            impact is ―A cup of tea‖ by K. Mansfield. The       home  with  me".  Thus,  the  inner  qualities  of
            following  fragment  from  the  story  illustrates   LP  such  as  selfishness,  hypocrisy,  and  the
            the aforementioned assumptions:                     desire  to  brag  about  her  so-called  ―kind-
                   "How     extraordinary!"    Rosemary         heartedness‖  are  revealed  by  means  of
            peered  through  the  dusk  and  the  girl  gazed   convergence.
            back  at  her.  How  more  than  extraordinary!            To draw a conclusion, stylistic means
            And suddenly it seemed to Rosemary such an          brought  together  enforce  both  logical  and
            adventure.  It  was  like  something  out  of  a    emotive  emphasis  of  each  other,  thus
            novel by Dostoevsky, this meeting in the dusk.      attracting attention to certain parts of the text.
            Supposing she took the girl home?Supposing          Besides exerting certain emotional impact, the
            she did do one of those things she was always       convergence        discloses       emotional,
            reading  about  or  seeing  on  the  stage,  what   psychological state of LP, and reveals certain
            would happen? It would be thrilling. And she        information about conceptual world picture of
            heard  herself  saying  afterwards  to  the         LP.
                                                   The list of used literature:
                     1.  Ashurova D.U., Text linguistics. Tashkent – 2012
                     2.  Ashurova D.U., Galiyeva M.R. Stylistics of literary text. – 2013.
                     3.  Бенвенист Э. Общая лингвистика. – М.: Наука, 1985. – 321 c.
                     4.  Воробьѐв В.В. Языковая личность и национальная идея // Народное образование.
            - 1998. – №5.- С. 25-30
                     5.  Караулов  Ю.Н.  Русская  языковая  личность  и  задачи  ее  изучения  //  Язык  и
            личность. М., 1989. С. 3-1.
                     6.  Нормуродова Н.З. Выражение языковой личности в художественном диалоге (на
            материале английского языка). Автореферат кандидата филологических наук. – Самарканд,
            2012.- 26с.
                   Нормуродова  Н.  Конвергенсия  лисоний  шахс  таркибида  эмоционал  ҳодиса
            сифатида.  Мақолада  лисоний  шахснинг  ижтимоий  мақоми,  унинг  эмоционал  ҳолати,
            характери,    коммуникантларнинг    муносабатини    очиб  берадиган  стилистик  воситалар
            конвергенцияси орқали лингвопрагматик хусусиятларнинг аҳамияти очиб берилган.
                   Нормуродова  Н.  Конвергенсия  как  эмоциональная  импактность  в  языковой
            личности.  В  статье  определены  лингвопрагматические  особенности  языковой  личности,
            направленные на выявление социального и профессионального статуса, ролевых личностных
            отношений между коммуникантами, а также роль конвергенции стилистических приемов
            для определения эмоционального состояния коммуникантов и черт их характера.

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