Page 89 - 4-сон 2018 йил
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Хорижий филология  №4, 2018 йил

                  A  large  group  of  Russian  and  English    The  word  «money  –  деньги»  in  English  is
            nouns have only one form of the number: the         used  with  the  value  of  the  singular,  and  in
            singular  (singularia  tantum  (translated  from    Russian - always with the value of the plural.
            Latin "only one") or plural (pluralia tantum -            In  English  there  are  nouns  having  one
            in Latin only "plural").                            form  for  the  expression  of  the  singular  and
                  So, to nouns that have only the singular      plural: a deer – deer (олень – олени), a sheep
            form, are Russian and English nouns with real       –  sheep  (овца  –  овцы),  a  swine  –  swine
            meaning:  молоко  –  milk,  серебро  –  silver;     (свинья  –  свиньи),  an  aircraft  –  aircraft
            with  an  abstract  meaning:  храбрость  –          (самолет  –  самолеты),  a  trout  –  trout
            bravery,  здоровье  –  health, языкознание  –       (форель),  a  salmon  –  salmon  (лосось).  The
            linguistics; as well as proper names: Лондон        Russian  words  «форель  и  лосось»  are  also
            – London, Россия – Russia.                          used for the designation of one fish, and for
                  To nouns that have only the plural form,      the designation of several fish.
            belong  to  words  consisting  of  two  parts:            Some English nouns that are used in the
            ножницы – scissors, очки – glasses, джинсы          plural form are homonyms of nouns that have
            –  jeans;  complex  or  characterized  by  spatial   both  forms,  for  example:  a  color-colors  (=
            extension  of  subjects:  каникулы  –  holidays,    hues  of  color);  a  custom  -  customs  (=
            шашки – draughts, кудри – curls, джунгли –          traditions) and customs (= taxes on imported
            jungle,  мемуары  –  memoirs;  names  of            goods).  In  Russian,  there  are  also  such
            mountain  peaks,  constellations:  Альпы  –         coincidences:  нота  –  ноты (a lot of musical
            Alps,  Близнецы  –  Gemini;  words  with            notation) and ноты (printed music); номер –
            collective meaning:  скот  –  cattle, молодежь      номера (rooms in the hotel) and номера (the
            – youth.                                            hotel itself).
                  Incidentally,   in   the   plural,   the            The  quantity  can  be  expressed  without
            grammatical meaning of the noun in Russian          indicating  the  subject,  i.e.  the  qualitative
            and  English,  according  to  many  researchers,    concretization of the object. This is the most
            has  no  expression.  So  Russian  nouns  in  the   abstract  representation  of  the  number.  The
            plural  are  not  demarcated  either  by  the       materials  of  explanatory,  synonymous  and
            systems of case endings of the noun itself, or      antonymic  dictionaries  testify  to  the  lexical
            by the forms of words that are consistent with      quantity field in modern English and Russian
            it.  Russian  nouns  that  call  paired  items      as one of the vast private micro systems that
            (pluralia  tantum):  scissors,  sledges,  gates,    combines  words  with  the  meaning  of:  a)
            skis, etc. do not belong to any genus, or refer     definite-quantitative   words    (two,   one
            to a special "twin" genus.                          hundred,  million);  b)  indefinite-quantitative
                  Among  the  English  words  denoting          words (many, few, some, several).
            pairs  or  parts  consisting  of  several  parts,  a      The center of the category of quantity in
            part of the nouns of the middle kind: a clock       modern  languages  should  be  considered
            (it) – часы (они), a rake (it) – грабли (они), a    numerals,  which  are  "abstract"  notation  of
            gate  (it)  –  ворота  (они),  a  scabbard  (it)  –   numbers  and  expressed  in  numbers  of  the
            ножны (они).                                        count [1, 72].
                  There  are  nouns,  the  number  of  which          Quantitative  numerals  representing  the
            does  not  always  coincide  in  Russian  and       number of integer units can act as a name for
            English.  For  example,  words  like  "stairs,      the natural order of numbers: one, two, three,
            brains, clothes, arms" in English are used only     four, five, etc.
            in  the  plural.  Also  there  are  English  words        Also  in  quantitative  combinations,
            used  only  in  the  singular,  while  in  Russian   along  with  numerals,  counting  nouns  are
            they  can  be  used  in  the  plural:  news  –      used: a pair of gloves, ten of eggs, a hundred
            новость (новости), advice – совет (советы),         of nuts, etc.
            progress  –  успех  (успехи),  knowledge  –               The  quantitative  particles  that  exist  in
            знание (знания), information – информация           the  English  language  serve  to  refine  the
            (сообщения).  And  the  strangest  mismatch!

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