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Хорижий филология  №4, 2018 йил

            English  and  Russian  languages  belongs  to              Despite  the  above  differences,  it
            different structural types of fields. In English,   should  be  noted  that  in  both  English  and
            this is a monocentric type field based on the       Russian,   the   quantitative   category   is
            grammatical  category  of  a  number,  while  in    represented  by  multilevel  language  tools  -
            Russian it is a polycentric field that relies not   morphological,    lexical,   word-formative,
            only on the grammatical category of a number        syntactic and phonetic. In both languages, this
            but  also  on  the  lexical-grammatical  class  of   phenomenon  breaks  down  into  two  micro
            numerals,  as  well  as  on  the  quantitative-     fields - the micro field of unity and the micro
            nominal combinations [3, 194].                      field of multiplicity; however, the distribution
                   Therefore in the English language the        of constituents within each micro field in the
            core of the quantitative field is represented by    languages being compared is different.
            the  grammatical  category  of  the  number;              Thus,  our  analysis  proves  that  the
            derivational,  phonetic,  lexical  and  syntactic   quantitative   category   is   a    linguistic
            means  are  peripheral.  In  the  Russian           universality  that  is  inherent  in  all  levels  of
            language,  lexical  means  also  belong  to  the    both  English  and  Russian.  Different-level
            nuclear,  in  addition  to  the  grammatical        means  of  expression  form  a  category  of
            category  of  the  number;  word-formation,         quantitative, the constituents of which, due to
            phonetic  and  syntactic  means  constitute  a      their large number, are widely represented in
            peripheral zone [4, 66].                            the texts of fiction.

                                               The list of used literature:
                  1.  Арустамян  Л.Л.  Словообразовательная  система  и  деривационные  связи
            наименований поля количества.  //  Вопросы  русского  и  общего  языкознания.  –  Самарканд:
            СамГУ, 1994. – С. 71-73.
                  2.  Берман И.М. Грамматика английского языка. - Москва: Высшая школа, 1994. – 321
                  3.  Качалова  К.Н.,  Израилевич  Е.Е.  Практическая  грамматика  английского  языка.  -
            Кыргызский филиал Калифорнийской Международной Академии Наук, 2001. – 487 с.
                  4.  Ariel  Mira.  Referring and accessibility. // Journal of Linguistics, 2003. – № 24(1). – Р.

                  Асадова  Ч.  Семантика  категории  количества  в  английском  и  русском  языках.
            Статья  посвящается  проблеме  семантической  категории  количества  в  английском  и
            русском  языках.  Автор  анализирует  случаи  несовпадения  количественной  семантики  в
            исследуемых языках.
                  Асадова Ч. Инглиз ва рус тилларида миқдор категориясининг семантикаси. Мақола
            инглиз  ва  рус  тилларидамиқдор  категориясининг  семантикаси  муаммосига  бағишланган.
            Муаллиф икки тилда миқдор семантикасининг номуқобиллик томонларини аниқлаб берган.

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