Page 90 - 4-сон 2018 йил
P. 90
Хорижий филология №4, 2018 йил
quantitative relationships of objects: almost, One of the main categories of the noun,
exactly, exactly, just exactly. which forms the categorical meaning of
As for collective numerals, in Russian objectivity. The category of numbers serves to
they can be formed from word-building express the quantitative characteristics of
suffixes -er (o); - ver (o): четверо (four), objects of objective reality. It opposes the
десятеро (ten), вчетвером (four together), singular to the plural.
вдесятером (ten of them). When analyzing the value of a number,
A special way to represent the number the following cases are possible:
is the word-making suffixes from the 1) the word has the form singular,
numerals of prefix-suffix adverbs: в- which denotes one object: monograph, thesis.
двадцатых (at twenty‘s), в-десятых (at The value of the number is one;
ten‘s), в-пятых (at fifth‘s), вдвое (double, 2) the word has the form singular, but
twice), впятеро (five times), надвое (in two), denotes a set of objects (meaning of the
натрое (in three), четырежды (four times). collective set): studenthood, foliage;
Also as counting words are used: во- 3) the word has the form singular, but
первых (first of all, in first place), во-вторых there is no nominative value of the number;
(secondly, in second place), etc. denoted uncountable objects (the category of
The micro system "a certain number" the number is formal, it has the syntactic
includes nouns denoting monetary units: component of meaning): milk, sour cream,
грош, алтын, рубль, сумм, тийин и т.д. love;
(half a kopeck coin, a quarter-kopeck, rouble, 4) the word has the form pl. and means
sum). a lot of objects: tables - rooms;
A quantitative evaluation is also present 5) the word has the form plural, but the
in a large group of denominations, expressing number of objects is indefinite (one or
units of measure, grade, work, energy (куб- several): scissors, sleigh;
cube, балл-force, mark, вольт-volt, ампер- 6) the word has the form plural, but the
ampere, герц-hertz). value of the number is not, because denoted
The strength of quantity is expressed by unreadable items: cream, name-day;
a certain measure of measurement (length, 7) the word does not have the form of a
weight, volume) (gram, carat, liter, pood, number; is unchangeable, the nominative
tone, pound). value of the number is undefined, the
Words that have in their definitions a syntactic component can be expressed in the
unit of time: second, minute, ten day period, text.
week, month, year, etc. also belong to this Thus, English is characterized by the
group. predominance of analytical forms, while the
The investigated field can be filled with Russian language is synthetic in its structure.
words, in the semantics of which there is a The tendency to reduce the number of
quantitative characteristic: a quartet (a synthetic forms, characteristic of the English
musical work of four performers), a class (a language, led to the disappearance of case and
large group of people), etc. generic forms in nouns.
As well as a separate, rather extensive For the Russian language this
productive group in the micro system, the phenomenon is uncharacteristic, as a result of
numbers are the words: gang, battery, which there is widespread agreement of nouns
battalion, army, guard, handful, pile, jamb, with a definable word in number, gender and
pile, mass, and many other words, many, case, which is absent in modern English [2,
although in linguistics there are objections 68]. Therefore, in English, the number of
about having them collectivity values. language tools that have the grammatical
All listed and other means of language category of the number is much smaller than
expression of the category of quantity reflect in the Russian language. This typological
the existing views on the study of this difference in the matched languages also
category. causes the fact that the quantification in