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Хорижий филология  №4, 2018 йил

            YOUTH TRIBUNE                                                               ЁШЛАР МИНБАРИЛ


                                             Asadova Chehrangiz Salim qizi,
                            Master student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

                   Key words: quantity, semantics, singularia tantum, pluralia tantum, noun, discordance.

                  In both English and Russian, there is a             3) denoting complex actions, processes,
            grammatical  category  of  the  number.  This       states:  выборы  –  election;  похороны  –
            category  expresses  quantitative  relations        funeral; именины – name-day
            existing  in  real  life,  reflected  in  the             In  English  there  are  also  a  number  of
            consciousness  of  the  speakers  of  the  given    nouns  in  which  the  multiplicity  seme  is  lost
            language  and  having  a  morphological             and only the seme of singularity remains:
            expression in the corresponding forms of the              Pijamas – пижама; News – новость
            language.                                                 When characterizing the category of the
                  The number category, which reflects the       number  of  nouns,  the  following  cases  are
            quantitative relations between real objects, is     possible:
            naturally tied to the noun [1, 71].                       1)  a  word  can  have  the  forms  of  both
                  In  both  languages  there  is  a  fairly     numbers  (vary  in  numbers),  but  in  the
            significant group of nouns, in which only the       sentence  it  is  used  in  the  form  of  a  certain
            multiplicity  seme  is  represented,  which  is     number;
            expressed in the corresponding morphemes of               2) the word has the form only singular,
            the  number  and  in  the  forms  of  matching      refers to singularia tantum;
            adjectives, verbs and pronouns. Some of these             3) the word has the form only pl. (refers
            nouns  coincide  in  both  languages.  This  is     to the pluralia tantum);
            primarily nouns, denoting pairs or composite              4) the word has no number indicators (it
            objects: ножницы – scissors; очки – glasses;        is impossible to determine the number).
            брюки – trousers.                                         In  modern  Russian  and  English,  the
                  Some  of  these  nouns  do  not  coincide,    grammatical category of a number is based on
            and in one language there are nouns in which        the opposition of the singular and the plural.
            only the seme of plurality is represented, and      The  singular  form  denotes  one  object  in  a
            in the other there are nouns in which there is      series of homogeneous objects: a table – стол,
            an  opposition  semiqueness-plurality.  This        a  book  –  книга,  a  bird  –  птица.  The  plural
            often  creates  difficulties  in  translating,      form    denotes    an   indefinite   set   of
            especially  oral,  when  there  is  a  condition  of   homogeneous objects: tables – столы, books
            time limitation and the translator must quickly     – книги, birds – птицы.
            transform  the  original  noun,  remembering  in          Many  Russian  and  English  nouns  can
            what  number  it  is  used  in  the  translation    take the form of both singular and plural.  In
            language.                                           this  case,  the  singular  and  the  plural  are
                  In  Russian,  the  first  group  includes     distinguished  by  means  of  expression.  For
            nouns:                                              example, the presence of different endings: a
                  1)  denoting  pair  or  composite  objects:   cow-cows, a wolf-wolves, a box-boxes; using
            грабли  –  rake;  качели  –  swing;  салазки  –     suppletive  forms  in  the  Russian  language:
            toboggan                                            man - men, child - children; by changing the
                  2)  denoting  the  mass,  substance,          root vowels in English: a foot - feet, a goose -
            material: дрожжи – yeast; духи – scent; обои        geese, go mouse - mouse. Thus, the presence
            – wallpaper                                         of  two  forms  of  a  number  forms  a  class  of
                                                                items to be considered.

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